
Saturday, November 20, 2010


sitting here on a lovely saturday afternoon. went for a fun 10mile run with the crew in the morning. it started chilly chilly!! but it warmed up quite nicely and was SUNNY. oh it was lovely!! the run itself was fun, i have no idea where we went but it was nice to be with friends and to be out running. i did manage to take a layer off but i am still at a loss as to what i'll actually wear on race day. will have to wait a little bit to see what the weather will actually be that day, they keep threatening us with snow. not cool man, not cool! so the potential for miserable race day conditions is totally there.
i haven't been doing a very good job sticking to my plan, i only got one weekday run in this past week, never mind it was on the treadmill and my iphone earbugs were sending electrical shocks into my left ear and my neck.. at least i think it was a quality run and i should be well rested, right.
yesterday we took the kids to sirus's school for kids night out. we dropped them off for 4hrs and out we went. i tried to look slightly more stylish than normal in my 12+year old betsy johnson velvety pants that sorta don't fit very well, but still they are pretty cool and i even got a compliment on them! we had a good dinner and i had a fabulous vodka martini with blue cheese stuffed olives that i was still feeling this morning at the start of the run.
now i've got on my awesome hincapie compression socks, seamus is in her sleeping beauty princess dress and eric is working on the widnows. they look awesome. he has done a great job, i even got a little misty eyed looking at the one room. we are painting some of the rooms too and i am totally not good with colors. ugh. sirus was red walls with yellow flames, seamus was teal. so none of that is happening for sure.
last week of the swim clinic is tomorrow. hmm, not sure how this thing is going. maybe if i swam more often it would go better.


Z's mom said...

Maybe you should consider wearing the compression socks with the Betsy Johnson pants?
Glad you had a good run today... always good to feel good the week before! But I will cross my fingers for no snow. Yuck-o.

LaVonne said...

Whose your friend when running gets rough?

LaVonne said...

You can't run a little but you can't run enough.

Hmmm...could be a good song to run through your head during your race! Which you will do awesome at, BTW.