
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

where does the time go?

so, it has now been two weeks and two days since sirus got here. i can't beleive it has gone by so quickly! i can't even beleive we have another baby living at our house. we are so lucky! he is already 10 pounds as of his two week doctor visit, so he is on his way to being a big kid. he already looks like a grown up kid in this photo. i had totally forgotten how soft and cuddly new born babies are. sirus will snuggle right up to you and give you little warm nudges. he is so sweet. so sweet in fact that i told eric the other day that maybe we can have another one some day. not any time soon. not in the next 3 to4 years, but maybe after that. we will see, but boy, sirus is a cutie.
seamus totally digs him. she likes to "hold" him and give him hugs and wants to help with anything that has to do with him. maybe its a jealousy thing - making sure to stay in with the action, but its cute and she really does seem to like him.
we are in the midst of buying a new washer and dryer. i am so excited. i can't wait. i feel so old at being so excited about new appliances, but i am so excited to have a washer that actually washes and a dryer that doesn't squel like finger nails accross a chalk board and that dries towels in less then 4 hours. i can't wait.

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