
Saturday, December 03, 2005

slappin that arse

so i had just rememberd something that i had to put down so i wo'nt ever forget how darn cute it was - the other day seamus was running around nekkid. i can't remember if it was after a bath or one of the times she had wanted to sit on the potty and then just be nekkid after or what, but she was nekkid none the less. while nekkid and running around, she was running the funny way that she does sometimes where she keeps her legs strait and kind of kicks them out in front of herself as she runs. she was moving all over the place very quickly like this and all the while she was slapping her little rear end with her hand. it was so funny and just so strange.
i was also thinking the other day that i need to make a list of words she knows. i was going to do it when she turns two - along with getting her a real haircut, but i think now would be a good time, too. maybe its because this past week is seems has she started calling me mommy which makes my heart melt. she will stand outside my bedroom door and call out mommy to me!
so these are the words she says through out the day. She will repeat many more and if you ask her to point to many more she knows what they are, but these are the ones she uses on her own regularly:
mommy, daddy, kitty, cat, puppy, doggy, cow, moo, pig, chicken, chick, duck, quack, birdie, elephant, eat, cup, green, yellow, blue, purple, red, tractor, truck, airplane, baby, bath, color, high chair, tv, teletubbies, bed, blankie, towel, potty, fork, pears, fishies, broccoli, bottle, help, farmer, lion, one, two, three, bye bye, car, seat, sit, jump, hand, head, teeth, cheek, chin, elbow, knee, feet, toes, boot, sock, pant, shirt, bike, swing, slide, park, out, no, whee, pillow, cracker, toast, grandma, back pack, hello kitty, pretty, bracelet, glasses, ring, whoa, elmo, happy
there are likely more, but those are the ones that come to mind right now.


Jennifer said...

Do you have any reccent photos of the bebes? Brian and I have to try and come up for a visit this summer. Even if for the day.

Sparklinglady said...

that is correct, you guys have to come for a visit this summer. we would be so happy to see you!