
Thursday, December 07, 2006

welcome aboard

the other night i had a dream that i was at a friend's parent's holiday party. my friend wsa not there but kelsey grammar was.
the lame version of return of the jedi is on rifght now. why would they do that? why's he have to go and ruin it.
so the other weekend when i went to that wedding where i got toally hammered, while i was laying in bed the next day totally hung over and not able to move except to maybe transfer over to the bathroom floor, seamus came into the bedroom and said "oh, mommy, i'm so proud of you!" that is so funny. miss guided but funny.

i can't remember the weekend. i can't remember earlier this week. i do know that the kids have been sick and i haven't gotten much sleep and i haven't been exercising but i have been eating lots and lots, like about 3/4 of the 1 lb hershey's bar that eric brought home the other day. it was damn tasty.
big plans for the weekend? i think we are going to go to the tree farm and get an xmas tree. seamus was sooooooo excited when she woke up from her nap and i had put up the stockings and eric had put up the lights outside. i think seamus and i will build a ginger bread house this weekend, too.
dude, we have been watching high def tv lately. and all i can say is that those people on tv, yeah, everyone needs to get high def tv because it will make everyone feel so much better about themselves. the people on tv have jsut as bad skin as i do so that is encouraging.
oooh! james dean cut my hair the other evening. when i left i wasn't totally in love with it as i was last time. but i do have to say that i liked it quite a bit this morning but it is sort of like a fro.
eric is al bummed because while channel surfing he missed princess leia in her metal bikini in high def. a direct eric quote "in real life you wouldn't be able to strangle jabba the hut that way, you would have to be really strong"

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