
Monday, August 27, 2007

catch up

whoa! havne't posted since aug 4? has it been that long since i got my fabulous haircut? what all has been going on. work? more work? oh, yeah, and some more. i went to new mexico for work. which was way fun. it was for a conference at a fancy resort outside of albequrue. i got off the plane, got in a car, got dropped off, checked in then went for a run in the 32485293 degree heat at about 24232 feet elevation. needless to day, it about put me on my arse! but then i went to the pool and hung out. never got into the water because it felt too cold but rested and relaxed. it was sooo luxurious. by the end of the conference, it was rumored that caroline rheah, oprah, kevin costner, dennis hopper, and benji and the gang from so you think you can dance were all at the resort. good fun. cocktail reception that evening was lovely. had some margahitas but they about killed me. i felt totally hammered in the morning but i got up and ran on the treadmill in the morning then off to the conference. i have never been to anything where everyone was so friendly! it was really quite pleasant!! at some point in the day eric got there! horray!! it was so fun to have him there even tho i was working pretty much the whole time!! tuesday eric and i got up and went for a run together. it wasn't too hot so it was fun. tuesday was only a 1/2 day because there were off site activities. eric and i took this as sit by the pool, go down the water slide 100 times and then head to santa fe. we walked all around there and then i eventually went to the conference dinner while eric headed out and then hung at the bar. wednesday at the conference i lead a session which was not very well attended but then i had to get on the microphone and give a summary to the whole group. that was exciting. i couldn't wait for wednesday to be over but that also meant we would be heading home. the flight was uneventful, except for the girl from tampa who sat next to eric who had the magic bag of food that she managed to pull an entire pizza out of and a hogie and apparently some other things. i slept through most of it. i knew it was dry in new mexico, but i had no idea until i got him and when i pulled the covers back to get into bed the bedding felt damp. weird.

friday allie came to visit, which was very exciting!!! she brought her husband and little boy and we had so much fun!! i did a triathlon saturday morning which was exciting, my swim was 2 minutes faster then the same race last year and my run was almost 5 minutes faster, i think. i was really please with the swim, even before i knew the time, i felt really like i had tried pretty hard. it was short but i was happy. i always feel like i am working sort of on the bike and can't figure out why my time is so slow. i was about 3 seconds slower on the bike then last year, but ya know, when you don't train on the bike, you can't really expect anything. allie met me on the run and ran with me. it was very funny because allie was telling me stories about the people as we passed them, such as "she got back from the bike two minutes before you" and "you were 23 in your wave out of the water but ya know that girl with the amazing abs and the broad shoulders was 21 out of the water in her wave" or something of that nature. it was all fun.
after the race we met up with the rest of the crew in the mini van and headed down town. we went to pikes place market and then to the aquarium, which was a huge hit. the kids LOVED it. sirus was laughing and yelling and just so excitied. seamus was so interested in everything!! the two families split up, but i hear that zach enjoyed it just as much as our kids!
everyone came home and napped and then i don't really remember any more of saturday.
sunday allie and eric went for a 12 mile run, then we headed out on a hike. the kids were amazing! they hiked and hiked and hiked! up hill and down hill and running every where! i can't wait to go again.

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