
Sunday, February 03, 2008

bday fun

today was seamus's bday party! she won't be 4 until tuesday but today it was party time, complete with pin the tail on the donkey, a pinata and a hello kitty theme. seamus made the pinata herself with paper mache and a balloon. when we got to decorating it with tissue paper and streamers she got really upset because it didn't look like hello kitty. i didn't know it was supposed to otherwise we wouldn't have used green and pink paper. she wound up getting pretty upset, screaming "this doesn't look like hello kitty! this looks like ...(pause, pause, pause with her thinking lots and me having an overwhelming sense that my feelings were going to be very hurt), this looks like a BALL!" good save seamus! she was right, it did look like a ball. but in the end, once filled with candy and toys, it really didn't matter what it looked like and the party was quite fun!

sirus's first reaction to the american girl doll dressed in her punk outfit was one of almost fear, he backed off and made a kind of "whoa" sound. but he quickly regrouped and took a different approach to dealing with her. he had all of us in tears because we were laughing so hard.

1 comment:

The Lazy Triathlete said...

What a cutie she is!! Sounds like a fun party.