
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

need to get things started, again

dude, i am a mess! its sooooo bad, what happened, how did this happen? yuck. double yuck.
so yuck that i went out with a friend last night who was commenting on how she would like to wear jeans to work occasionally, and i looked at my own get up - dirty, baggy (but considerably less baggy lately) jeans that were being worn for the 2nd day in a row, ratty, oversized t-shirt and a grey hooded sweatshirt, unbrushed hair and no makeup. i had worn this to work. and my friend made the comment that i am a boss even.
i had a terrible dream last night that someone asked me why i was wearing my wedding ring on the wrong finger. i was like, what do you mean? i had a weird amnesia where i couldn't see all of my fingers. while finally realizing this, my hands started to cramp and my fingers started bending backwards at the joints. the top most joint bending totally back, then more and more. i fell to the floor and started screaming. i don't remember it being painful, just freaky as hell. i just screamed and screamed. i was in a hospital and they brought in a gurney. then i woke up in bed huffing and puffing, totally exhausted/
that plus the lingering pain in my neck and jaw that isn't going away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we are living parallel lives. i was just noticing how many gray hairs are in my eyebrows and on my head and thursday night i had a dream that i had to escape from being part of a mass suicide taking place in a church. i had to cut through the plastic windows with a butter knife to escape. i was hiding under the steps of someone's porch when three people showed up claiming to be part of the underground movement to escape from the mass suicide people and they tried to give me some food and I faked eating it becuase deep down I knew they had poisoned the food and were really part of the mass suicide sect trying to entrap me. then i woke up. why does all this weird shit happen in dreams??? love ya! jen