
Monday, February 16, 2009


i need to find the notes i took from disney world so i can organize a post about the trip. it was so fun and there were so many great moments of the trip that i want to make sure to capture it all. just not now.

i think i have a little bit of illness. just an annoying cough that started saturday night. earlier in the week both eric and i were exhausted. i have been getting up at 5am for workouts all week and eric would wake up and start his day at the same time, so on thursday we decided to go to bed at 8pm. that sounded great. we crawled into bed and both passed out until probably 11pm when eric got up to go throw up. over and over and many times thoughout the night. our night of good rest was not very restful. poor guy though, he was so sick. not sure if he had scome food poisoning or the stomach bug going around, but luckily by the morning he was a about 50% and then well enough on saturday to want to do some trail work, although I spoiled his plans to do so.

training has been going really well. i've been having a ton of fun and have been feeling great. this week was my highest volume and i am now heading into a rest week. i managed 6:15 on the bike, 2:45 running, 2:30 swimming and 1:30 weights for a total of 13hrs, and i feel great!! i'm tired and ready for my rest week but I am amazed at how good i feel. all this should wind up in me being faster, right? as part of my rest week I have a 30 minute zone 1 bike today which i don't know if I will even break a sweat on and then later in the week a 20 minute zone 1 run, which i don't know how i will do that, isn't that walking? but I am pretty excited, i think i am making progress!

yesterday alone as a feat all in its own. 2:45 on the bike followed by 45 minute run. when we started out on the bike it was 28 degrees! burr! my hands had never hurt so much before but about 45 minutes in i was ready to take a layer off and my hands were better. i don't know why 8 yr old gloves with holes in all the fingers wouldn't keep me warmer. i had an antire enteurage, if i could spell it, for the bike ride, too! renee, xtie, amy and eric and the kids all for the first leg and then janet joined for the last leg. no one wanted to join me on the run but man, i felt great, i couldn't beleive it! i kept wanting to run faster but had to hold back to stay in zone 2.

friday i rode around the lake by myself. i spent a good 1:35 worrying about having to ride up the big hill on the way home. oh i was worried. last year i stopped 3 times trying to get up it in my only attempt. as i got closer and closer i started thinking about how my feet were too hot, how my sunglasses were bugging my ears, how my hair was falling down in my hat under my helmet. then it was time and i just went up it. each time i reached one of the spots where i had stopped before i rejoiced! now i can go up it whenever i want!

i see a guy outside with short sleeves on, is it warm?

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