
Saturday, November 28, 2009

hot so hot

thanksgiving was the other day. on tuesday sirus went to pre-school. his teacher asked him what he is thankful and without even thinking, he said he was thankful for Seamus. i love those kids. seamus was screaming not too long ago how she was so mad at me and that she would't ever cuddle with me again. then in like 2 minutes she was cozied up against me pulling my arm around her. we had a low key thanksgiving for us. eric made the best turkey i have ever had. we are trying to figure out why it was so good. we imagine probably because it was pumped full of hormones and saline and crap, but damn it was good. it was tiny, too! we had some stuffing, i made some homemade apple sauce that seamus said tasted funny, and the kids helped me make some homemade cranberry sauce. it was a little not good at first, but after sitting in the fridge all day it was damn tasty. we also made butter!! the one thanksgiving staple that we didn't have was mashed potatoes - and no gravy either. it was just the 4 of us this year, grandma was in vegas visiting uncle rick, grandma and grandpa were in vegas visting aunt tacy, and aunt xtie was in portangeles with jon's fam. it was nice and mellow, but we did watch waaaaay too many movies and played waaaay too many video games. and check out the sweet homeimprovements going on behind sirus in that photos. what a mess. ugh, now i am trying to decide what to do. should i do the duathlon on th 13th? it involves a 7.2 mile run followed by i dunno, 4 laps of some course. it could be fun, but it also could be a really long run, or it could be raining, or it could be cold, or it could be all of those things combined. there is also a 5k coming up that might be fun to do, too, but we went running yesterday and we went slow but i was dying. ok, not dying just not going very fast although i was sweating like a pig despite it being 40 degrees out. by the end of the run was in just my knickers and a light longsleeve. apparently i should have just had that on to start with, or something. i have actually been swimming about once a week since maui. i had originally intended to take a month off from swimming, or maybe even two, but allie suggested not doing that. i don't know if i mentioned her very wise words of breaks from swimming can be addictive, so to keep from that, i have gone at least once a week. its been nice since the pool is indoors and warm, but its also been killing me. i struggle to get through 1500meters. struggle. this morning i had good intentions of going for 2000 but yeah, after about 200 i was like, ok, maybe just 1500. i have been told that this actually isn't that bad considering how warm the water is and stuff. i am going pretty fast when i'm actually swimming but i'm just not going for very long at any given time. we are so going to get sucked into some longer term membership there though because the kids love going so much. this morning we asked if they wanted to go and i haven't ever seen the kids get their shoes and coats on so quickly! after, eric went for a bike ride but the kids and i went for a walk to you guessed it, mcdonalds. its a little over a mile away, so we bundled up - i had on a longsleeve-T, a longsleeve fleece, a sweatshirt, my puffy vest, a scarf and a hat, and we walked on down. we had a 100% all natural, unprocessed meal of chicken nuggets and apple slices and then the kdis played for about an hour while i read my trashy celebrity gossip magazine. we did have two potty breaks while the kids were playing, too. then we bundled back up, walked to the bike shop to talk to matt about flip turnes then walked the mile home. seamus wanted to race up the hill, but sirus's legs hurt, so i picked him up and ran uphill chacing seamus. that did not last very long. right before we turned into our neighborhood, eric came riding up on his bike, which explains why he didn't answer his phone when i called him in hopes that maybe he would come and pick us up. yesterday, seamus and i raced through the trails behind the house and by golly, she legitimately beat me, i couldn't beleive it. she totally blocked me while were were going up the hill, too, everytime i moved over to pass her she would move and block! and then she just let it all out on the downhill! and she was wearing clogs, i was in running shoes. unbeleiveable. i would have passed her if we would have kept going though. :)

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