
Thursday, March 03, 2011

my kids love me, reall they do

first off, i have tendonitis in my ass and its eric's fault!!

i went to PT today for my back. its feeling better, more like just tight than injured so we are making progress, although she said i wasn't actually injured so much before in my back anyway, just tight. my right ass was sore, she took a feel and was just like, yeah, you've got some tendonitis in there. i was like, what? she says it could even be from just how i always sleep on my right side, hence, why its eric's fault. i sleep on my right side so he will stop breathing in my face while we sleep. and yet another case of sleep related injuries.

which brings me to our romantic evening last night! some people do couples massages, we do couples body fat testing! oooh, so fun! i've gone twice but i am feeling waay fat these days so i said i needed a follow up. and eric agreed to come with me! and bring the kids along, too. why not. so i went first and my fat wasn't nearly as bad as i thought it was going to be. but all those hershey chocolate nuggets with almonds are certainly not going unnoticed. after we went to the cactus and man, the whole family was famished. went through two servings of chips and salsa and everyone cleaned their plates in record time. nice one.

but as i was getting ready to get into the dunk tank, sirus said "this is good because mommy doesn't ever take baths". nice one. this was only a little better than the conversation we all had only a day or two before:
Sirus: some people have hair growing out of their arm pits.
Seamus: yeah! like mommy!
Me: what about daddy?
Sirus: no.
HEY YOU KIDS!!! I AM A SWIMMER! Leave me and my hairy arm pits alone!!

1 comment:

Janet said...

You are so funny. I absolutely love Sirus' comment about you taking baths.