
Friday, May 15, 2015

An app for that

If I recall my college education correctly, one of the psychological theories we learned had something to do with me being the one person and everyone and everything else is just a figment of my imagination,  something I have created to keep me entertained.  
While I was crying last night out of such a deep depression and miserable and hopeless state I started to think about this theory.  What part of this crying is entertaining? I guess the theory gives strength to the thinking that if you are sad you should just stop it and be happy instead, the whole you control your own destiny, and all the other positive Pinterest self help quotes out there.  
But then again, I guess I invented Pinterest and all those quotes.  I'm pretty creative and amazing under this theory as well.  I am also a horrible and disturbing person.  I mean, wow, I thought up the Kardasians and flying in airplanes and computers and this stupid bus that I'm on.  It was pretty smart of me to make the bus double long with that bendy part in the middle.  Having it extra long like this allows me to bring all these other made up sad saps with me each morning and the bendy part allows the big bus to make turns.
I definitely know I invented all of this for my own entertainment becUae why else would I have made those seats in that bendy part so high so that everyone's feet dangle like a little kid on a bar stool?  I'm pretty impressed with how I can make things be the same, or pretty close to the same every day.  Like the roads.  Do I keep them the SAMe so I can make fun things like the bendy part of the bus to navigate them?  Why don't I just make the roads bigger the next time I decide to take that trip?  Why do I make it so cold this morning? Why don't I bring out the sun? Am I really making the polar icecaps melt, the ocean levels rise and am I really killing of thousands of species of animals?  Why would I come up with that stuff?  It's pretty amazing that I have the ability to even think about it enough to creat the scenarios and imagine it.  While I was "researching" this theory of self entertainment, because I at first was thinking of tabula rasa, the blank slate theory, but that was wrong, I found more evidence that the theory is true.  I found an article in fancy Psychology Today that tells me this has more to do with egocentricism or narcissism,which is fine and dandy but the article only strengthen itself  becauSe in the article there was THIS:
That wouldn't be in there if it wasn't put  there to entertain me. 
Why would things like THIS ever exist if I hadn't imagined them in my own mind:

And when I was in Paris, I created THIS:
And this:
And THIS?  This does does not just happen because!
And lastly, of all the weird, horrible things out there, and among all the amazing, and fabulous things that I have imagined for my entertainment, THIS is the one I am most grateful for!  

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