
Thursday, July 27, 2006

how lame

so, i havn't said anything in a while. partyly because i have been really busy and partly because it won't let me load photos and that annoys me. but this morning i just had to comment on one of the most disappointing things i have heard in a long long time. floyd landis tested positive. that is so annoying. sheesh!

lets see what else is annoying? my car has been in the shop since last wednesday and they have no idea what is wrong with it. lemon? what i am i going to do. at least i have a loaner.

lance bass is gay. that is not lame, just obvious. if you didn't see it coming then you are lame.

seamus is talking up a storm, like real serious sentences now. it is so crazy. i love to hear her say real things. she is amazing. i have so much more to say but i have to get a bunch of stuff done and wanted to express my annoyance.

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