
Saturday, July 25, 2009

fish and chips

the cougar race took it out of me. i was so sore for days after that one. the next day we went out to padden for eric to race. i was going to do an ows and mtn bike there and brought all my stuff, but ya know, i just didn't do it. i did hike up about a mile or more with sara to a feed zone but it was super cold and started to rain and i was totally sore. it did feel good to wear my clogs though since it had been oh so long. after the race i passed out in the car waiting as awards happened and then we went to dinner with some of eric's friends. finally we made it home.
monday i was beat. i was still totally sore so i slept in and didn't go to masters. instead i hopped on the trainer for an hour and watched the Tudors some. that worked out pretty well. tuesday i sawm at lunch time i think, at the redmond pool. i kind of like going there at lunch. i was just kind of chilling and then that evening we led a track workout. it was hot and i wore my new running skirt. i was hesitant to get one but so many of the girls have them and they look so darn cute and when we are just hanging around chilling, i think its a good option. but we were out late and it was tough getting up for masters on wednesday - IM wednesday. but i actually did really well, hitting my times. but since the normal coach wasn't there, the other girl in my lane and i skipped fly and just did free. no fly if we have to.
friday i decided to try to commute into work. i had 1 to 1.5 hrs on the bike, zone 2ish. i haven't commuted once this year. i had spent the whole week procrastinating over things for work, including the presentation i was going to give on wednesday... so i rode into work, with my computer on my back. i actually stayed out for a little over an hour and it was quite lovely. lots of baby bunnies and pleasant weather. work itself was fine, but i continued to procrastinate over that darned presentation. mark from work was going to show me a route home and graciously agreed to carry my computer for me because there was no way i was going to make it up any of the sammamish hills with an xtra 10 pounds of computers, backpacks, clothes, etc. plus it was 92 degrees out. he warned me about the hill, the steepest hill in sammamish. he was on a mountain bike and had gone up it a ton of times. i was freaking out and figuring i would have to get off and walk. not just stop, but walk. so we road along until we turned left and THERE IT WAS. gracious. i went up and although working totally hard, was doing ok. luckily about 3/4s of the way there is a bail out so i turned in there and did 3 loops. by the time i went back to the hill, mark had passed but i quickly passed him again, out of the saddle, just trying to get up that thing since it got even steeper for that last section. it eventually got a little less steep but did keep going up for quite a while. whew!! that was hard!! when i told eric he couldn't beleive that he took me that route and was all impressed i got up it ok. apparently the road is so steep that fire trucks can't park on it and the houses all have to have their own sprinkler systems!!
i got home and fired up the computer and bam!! hard drive was dead! totally dead. i guess all that "work" on the presenation that I was going to do over the weekend wasn't going to happen. yikes, i totally stressed all weekend. partly about the presentation but mostly because we had ZERO internet access at home!! and it wasn't like i could even go to work since it was my work computer that fried!! long story short, i'm getting an i-phone from work, should be here monday or tuesday. it won't help me with doing presenations but at least i will have access to email and stuff. i won't ever use it to look at facebook.
saturday nikole met up with me for some trail running. fartleking, 1' on/ 1' off repeat 13 times. dude, it kicked my arse. nikole was fun to run with because she is damn fast and made sure i wasn't walking any of my 1' offs. she really helped with me my 1/ ons, too. but i was twisting ankles all over the place, once really good, too. but i wound up ok.
SUNDAY the kids and i headed out to the wading pool at greenlake only to find out that it is empty in the morning and they need to fill it up and it would be ready for another hour. so we headed to park and then to the running store to pick up some trail running shoes. then back to the wading pool! when we got back, i had had enough of this lack of internet so we stopped at the library, but it WASN'T OPEN!!! WTF!! not until 1pm. whatever. later leslie invited me over to her inlaws house on the lake. talk about delux! it was an amazing day and the water was amazing! we did a swim that was so fabulous that i might even like this whole open water swim thing. the water was perfect, even a little wavy, it was the right temperature and the sun was shinning. i would have like to hang out there all day if i was able. but i headed out for a mtn bike ride and i eventually made it home.
monday i was stressing but headed to masters and had a really good swim. something is starting to click i think or something. then i got to work and left a note on the helpdesk's door and on my boss's door since i wasn't going to be able to send any of the regular monday morning updates that i normally send. then i sat there. i did eventually jump on a co-workers computer to check email (and facebook) and then i sat and waited some more. our sales and bizdev teams were coming into town that day (hence the presentation on wednesday) so i started gabbing with them for a while. helpdesk confrimed that my hard drive was indeed fried but they were able to get me a loaner later in the day. i went to some weird conference in the afternoon that was ho hum, and then a work dinner which was a lot of fun. but i didn't get home until late. luckily it was a rest day on tuesday with an open water swim clinic in the evening. i did get the presentation hammered out on tuesday, thank goodness. luckily two weeks prior i had made some mystery notes about what i was going to talk about and i found those and then just hammered it out, with animations and everything! we had a company picnic that afternoon which was fun. it was a billion degrees out but quite pleasant in the shade. the swim clinic went well, too with 20+ attendees. it was at the madison park beach which was CROWDED with all of seattle. i swam out to the furthest buoy to be out there for the women in the clinic and i about passed out when i started swimming over the milfoil. i hadn't swam in any since last year and had totally forgotten about it. luckily i was able to get my act together but sheesh!! freaky. it was super wavy with all the boats and everything but it was good practice. i think the clinic went well though.
once again i didn't get home until pretty late. i passed out and woke up for masters in the morning, IM Wednesday! once again, the swim went pretty well, AND i actually did some realy fly for an entire 25. a few times even. it was such a momentus occasion that the swim coach commented on it. good stuff. it was a hard workout but good. then off to work for the presentation which went well. i don't get nervous about those things anymore but was so glad for it to be done. then there was wednesday night mountain bike racing which was fun except i was sporting blue shorts with a black top! i was mixing it UP! boy i was glad that eric wasn't racing and we were ablt to go right home. thursday at work was waaaay more calm, and quite quiet and although i had been working all week to re-build all the stuff i had lost with the crash of the hard drive, things were going pretty well. i had a track workout that night but was tired. really really tired from all the workouts and late nights i wasn't sure what i was going to be able to get done. but i headed out afterwork to the track. i had 6x800s and that seemed like a lot. but i was able to get under my times for each of them! the 6th 800 even accidentally turned into a 1200 even, and was still at the right pace, so i was cooking. the 2nd 800 was way fast but that is partly, ok, probably mostly because a group of probably 20 highschool girls got onto the track to run a few laps. they were running in a group and i don't know why they were there because they weren't runners. but i caught and passed them, and they even commented that i was going really fast! which made me laugh. but i was beat. i contemplated walking home but ran.
friday i woke up early again and rode my bike into work. i was sore, really sore, which suprised me and the small tiny hill from the house was almost more than i could bear. but i stayed out for an hour before getting to work. the original plan was to ride home, too, but i was pretty positive that would not work out well. i walked to get some lunch and had some vegetable spring roll thing and in 2 hrs knew instantly that i needed a 1/2 lb kobe beef burger with oregon blue cheese and a beer that evening. i called eric and he agreed, so he and the kids picked me up from work and we headed out. but THEN the kids told me that my fancy yellow mavic mountain biking shoes had come! i could hardly contain my excitment but couldn't understand why they didn't bring them to dinner!!
we stopped at a shop before dinner but they didn't have any of the cleats i needed. WTH! so i pouted a little but then got over it when my awesome hamburger showed up. seamus ordered fish and chips which was funny because we were totally suprised that last time we went to this resturant she ordered it as well. but it was a ton last time and sirus wanted fish and chips this time, too so we ordered one. when it arrived, sirus quickly said ooh, chicken! and we said no, fish. to which he replied, this chicken tastes funny, to which we replied that is because it is fish. and this went on for the rest of the meal.
then we stopped at anohter bike shop, got my cleats and then stopped at cold stone creamery because it was next door. of course.

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