
Thursday, August 04, 2011

hate, love and don't understand

people. okok, that is pretty broad. how about people who are a-holes. people who you go out of your way to help, and then when you are done, they are lame to you. people who get all aggro on you because you are going the speed limit. people who farking don't know how to park their cars or don't know how to pull their car out of a parking spot.

people. okok, that is pretty broad. how about people at the gym who wear khaki pants and dress shoes on the treadmill. or blue jeans on the stair master. or flip flops on the recumbent bike. there is one dude who wears his clogs at the gym, and i would be him if i could. i also have come to the conclusion that i like it when some dudes wear flip flops with the blue jeans. some dudes can't pull it off, but some can, and when they can, i think its a good thing.

don't understand:
if you are bald, you can't have bad hair days. so do you have bad head days? i know i have bad face days, but what do the bald people have? and whats the deal with the hipster's hair? is it really THAT dirty? or do they just put so much stuff in their clean hair to make it look dirty?


LaVonne said...

Huh? Have you had two too many Lemon Drops?

Janet said...

I have been trying to come up with things I love, hate and don't understand in this post. But I'm only coming up with things I love.