
Sunday, November 06, 2011

on the road

so i was having a total downward spiral into depression, obesity and beyond. but luckily halloween came and i ate a cupcake and 6 giant cookies (that were really delicious at the time) and it was the first time ever that i was like, omg, i'm like dizzy and i think i am going to be sick.
the next day, i had another cupcake, a leftover from the at work halloween party and i felt dizzy and sick again. i have not had the sweets since then, unless you call the sugar rim of a few lemon drops the sweets. but its a big accomplishment. i was avoiding going to the main floor at work because i didn't think i could pass by the receptionists desk without stopping. i have since had a meeting or two up there and have been able to avoid it. i even go up there sometimes to use the ladies room because the mirror is better up there, and sometimes you need to not see a reflection of you being all squished. but also, i haven't had any of the kids halloween candy. i just haven't wanted any. we picked up full sized bars to hand out to the kids for halloween. 30 of them from costco. we have like 22 of them left. ugh, we had only 3 groups of kids, one group was only one little Dorothy and that was it.
but i feel like i am getting back on track which is good. plus my training is coming back nicely. i've been swimming, although i did have a heart to heart with my coach about how kicking is really overrated and that we should really consider not doing it. he said ixnay on the no ickingkay. but i convinved him to at least let me kick on my back for a while, which has been waaaay better. a few of the drills i have been doing are starting to stick, too, making sense in my normal stroke, so i think things are good there. still doing a good amount with the buoy but that is good. i've also done a few 2hr rides! ok, indoors on the trainer because i am the biggest woose in the world. yesterday i had the kids, so it was all i could do, but the the previous week it was beautiful out. but i was woosy. but about 50 indoor miles this week which is pretty good for me right now.
and, AND i have been running. like not in the water. again i am a woose, ok, i am just realizing that its probably wuss, but woose is kinda funny. but i did 10 indoor miles! my run intervals have increased to 4 minutes, walk intervals have decreased to 1 minute and pacing has dropped to 8:20. of course not for the whole thing but for 2 of the 4's. i am soooo out of shape. but feeling good and feeling happy.
and other good things are going on too. so right now, stuff is good. looking forward to the rest of 2011 and i think 2012 will be a good year, hoping to keep this injury at bay though. i can still feel it, but as long as i get in there and do some pt right after any activity it seems to be ok.


LaVonne said...

2012 is YOUR YEAR!!! You are on the right track for greatness.

Good job on the sugar. Better than me. So bad. Downhill spiral started AT YOUR HOUSE!! All your fault. You gave the sugar need to me.

Leslie said...

Why is sugar so good, yet so bad? Winter weight gain is apparently inevitable. I think gravity increases in October. Really, I do think that.

LaVonne said...

My other comment is, based on thoughts I had earlier today, is that my sugar consumption really goes up on October - historically speaking. Starting at the beginning, crescendoing at Halloween, then I'm better until Thanksgiving, then it goes downhill again through Christmas, until I make a New Year's resolution to eat better in the new year.