
Friday, September 14, 2012

shirt with out the r

everything tastes like shit. sorry, not a family friendly word, and it will be repeated often here, as it is pretty much the only way to describe the weird, wet, paper nastiness that is everything right now.

I have been experimenting trying to find not shitty things.  below are the results of my experimenting:
 lots of shit in there.  i do have to stay away from the frosted flakes though.  holy cow those could get me in trouble in this current state if i'm not careful. 

I talked to a woman today who suggested staying away from all my favorite foods for a while do as to not ruin them forever. 


LaVonne said...

You should try Peanut Butter Puffins

Crazy Lady said...

What about sour stuff? I can make you some lime or lemon energy balls that are healthy and may taste good. Let me know!