
Sunday, January 27, 2013

its been a while

i still have that 2012 wrap up sitting there, but it will probably never get posted so don't hold your breath.
but other things...
migraines.  lots of them.  often.  so not fun.  i went in on the 10t for my surgery follow up.  everything was good, except the headaches and migraines.  had my eyes checked too and although i am complaining about not seeing as well, apparently they are the same.  no change.  so that is good.
while waiting for my appointment though, i set up came in the hospital cafeteria and worked from there and had one of their more than amazing snickerdoodles.  gawd they are like heaven.  and they are as big as my face.  and let me tell you, i've got a giant face.
so i have a cyst in my maxillary sinus.  they mentioned this on the ct scan i had earlier in the month, hadn't ever been told about it so i did some internets research, promptly appologized to my neaurosurgeon about doing my own research, but asked if it could be causing the headaches.  so he referred me to an ENT and i went in and not the problem.  :(  that is good, but bad at the same time, because like what IS causing them then?  neurosurgeon thinks that it could be an after effect of the radiation, which if that is the case, i don't know how i feel about that.  he says i am in the window of when things might start popping up, but if radiation is the cause then there isn't much they can do i dopn't think.
so i am taking matters into my own hands and have started an elimination diet.  eating only air and water.  let me tell you how awesome it has worked.  a full 24 hours into it i got a horrible migraine and wasn't sure how i was going to get the kids and myself home.  while i was trying to get us home, i was trying to figure out what the kids could fix for themselves for dinner.  luckily eric was back from skiing so i went right to bed and he saved the day.  anyway, now i am like 2 days into it.  its harder and easier than paleo.  its easier because i can eat rice.  harder because i can't eat eggs.  but seeing as the migraines typically hit mid day, like after lunch while at work, there is a good chance they could be triggered by something i am eating in the 1st 1/2 of the day.  but i am wondering how long it will take me to die of the malnutrition if all i am consuming is apples and rice with an accasional bit of apple sauce.

what else.  nothing really.  i have been on a shopping frenzy though.  i need to cool it. but i really want to get another pair of boots, just one more and then i should be done!  really, for reals.  ok, going to cool it for a bit.  but OMG!  i bought orange pants!!  they are kind of burnt orange, maybe like pumpkin but ORANGE jsut the same.  and i have worn them and not felt like a total idiot in them!
we celebrated our 11 year anniversary.  for xmas my mom got us a night at a fancy hotel and spa in bellingham, and then we added another night onto it.  it was cold as balls there, and super foggy, but it was so nice and relaxing.  we got there friday night but then saturday, we woke up, had breakfast, then i took a 2 hr nap, then we went walking around, had lunch, and then the most amazing cinnamon roll ever, then another nap and then an amazing dinner of steak and awesomeness.  lots of sleeping which was nice.  sunday we got our butts in gear and went for a run before heading for another cinnamon roll.  gawd, i might have to add those in, i am pretty sure they are not contributing to my headaches.  i think its alcohol, yogurt, oranges, poptarts and the crappy coconut bar thing i had the other day when i should have had a carmelita instead.
to celebrate our 11 years, i got a new ring!  we were both fiscally and socially responsible and got a cubic zirconia and I LOVE IT!!  LOVE IT!!  its exactly what i wanted!  11 years is steel, so we tried to find a steel  band ring, but no couldn't find one i loved, but this on i love.
the scar.  this was right before i cut my hair again, and by "i cut my hair" i mean, i took the scissors and did the actually cutting.

the kids usually kick fuzy out when they are playing because he likes to be in on the action, but this day he was allowed to stay.

orange pants!!  and boots.

eric gets mad because i sit on the heating vents, and because i do it, the kids do it, and the cats do it, too.  its warm!!

stairs and more stairs in bellingham, ok, actually fairhaven.

everyone needs a penguin ice bucket!

i found my old digital camera.  this is like from 2000 or so and weighs like 20 pounds.  still works, just need to get the pictures off of that card.

amazing anniversary flowers!  they are still super beautiful, almost 10 days later!

view from the hotel, when the fog moved out

at the front desk of the hotel, lets just say the train sounds were brief and occasional during the day when we were there.  but at night time they were long and often.  the hotel even leaves you ear plugs on the night stand.


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