
Saturday, October 29, 2005

rashy mcrashelstien has left the building

poor baby sirus - he had a rash. i took him to the docotr because no baby as young as him should have a rash. the doctor said it as a virus and that he most likely has a cold and the way he is showing it is through his rash. makes sense since both eric and i have sore throats and seamus has been super crabby, so she must be sick, too? at least she isn't showing any signs of the flu shot like she did last year.
so i was all depressed the other day. we went to the mall to pick up the family photos and the stupid lady from the photo place said they lost our photos. she said the would give us a call but then haven't yet. they are lame, i have had about enough of them - sirus isn't going to be 2 weeks old ever again so that makes me sad.
to make up for my sadness i convinced eric to get some video games and in exchange for that i would get some boots. i like my new boots. i opted for the pair that were $79 less then the other pair, so i was happy about that, too.
eric has been working reall hard getting the basement ready. its almost ready to paint! the new washer and dryer came - i am so happy with them - the clothes ome out of the dryer smelling clean which never happened with the old ones!

Monday, October 24, 2005


sirus went to the doctor today because when he went for his two week appointment his belly button stump was looking more like chiken fat then beefy. today it was looking quite beefy and not very much like chicken fat at all, so its on the road to a nice recovery. our doctor likes to speak in reference to raw meet products. but, the big news is that he gained another pound. he is now 11 pounds!! he is huge!!! but that is a good thing in the world of babies.

Friday, October 21, 2005

how it all happened

so, i figured i should add some info as to how sirus was born. on sunday around 4pm i woke up from a nap. i was having some conractions, which i had been having pretty regularly every evening anyway, but this time, they felt a little different and they kind of hurt, but not a lot. they were every ten minutes and not getting closer and not getting any stronger, so i just sat there and kept track of them. ALL DAY LONG. eventually eric came home from his bike race and i eventually went to bed. i was able to fall asleep so i assumed that meant they must have stopped or something, until 2 am when i woke up to the contractions being a bit more painful, but still only 10 minutes apart. i layed in bed for an hour trying to decide what to do. around 3am i decided i was going to call my mom and ask her to come down - just in case. i was going to let eric keep sleeping though - no need to wake the bear. just then i thought i felt something leaking - was i my water? was it that other mystery fluid that seemed to be haunting me all through this pregnancy? i got up to go to the bathroom and when i did i disovered that no, it was not water at all but blood. and a lot of it. and then a giant blood clot the size of my fist came out. i kind of freaked out and woke eric up and told him we had to go to the hospital. i made him look at the blood clot then asked him to call my mom while i called the doctor. my mom came and we left for the hospital. by this time contractions were starting to hurt pretty good.
we went to triage and they hooked me up to a monitor and i dripped blood everywhere. then they sent in the intern. not the stupid one from before but an a different one, an insensitive ass hole one. my contractions weren't showing on the monitor so he was saying i wasn't having any. then he checked to see what was going on and said he thought i was only about 2 cm dilated. at that point i totally lost it and started crying pretty much histerically. how could i be 3cm earlier in the week and now only 2? and why was i in so much pain if i wasn't having contractions? the nurse then checked and said i was 4 cm and i asked her why no one beleived me and if i wasn't having contractions then something was seriously wrong and they needed to figure it out. we think they had a talk with the intern because then he came in and was all trying to be nice. they finally admitted me and once in the birthing suite my contractions were showing up on the monitor. since i was bleeding the way that i was, i wasn't allowed to walk around which made the contractions a little tougher. i told them right away that i wanted an epidural. by 730 the epidural guy was there getting me hooked up. by 8 i was at 5cm and feeling great! eric and i started calling people to let them know i wasn't coming to work, and to arrange stuff with my sister so my mom could be at the birth. the nurse said she thought it would be around noon, so we told my mom to try to be there by 11. eric took off to make some calls on his cell phone and to get a snack. a little before 11 i asked the nurse if i could roll over. she checked me mid turn and said i was totally dilated and baby's head was right there! she told me to call eric and get him back asap and she would call the doctor. she had me do a practice push and then had me stop because baby was RIGHT THERE. when the doctor got there - my actual doctor who i really like and was so happy that he was the doctor there that day - he had me do a practice push again and then had me stop right away. eric got there just in the nick of time! i pushed through 3 contractions and out came sirus!! my mom missed him coming out but she was there for his first moments, so that was good, too. sirus was pretty purple for a while so they gave him some oxygen then they took him from me and put him in the warming bassinett so he could stay warm and use the baby oxygen mask. he took a while to get pink but he was crying a lot so he was breathing fine. what a cutie, i couldn't beleive how small he was!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

where does the time go?

so, it has now been two weeks and two days since sirus got here. i can't beleive it has gone by so quickly! i can't even beleive we have another baby living at our house. we are so lucky! he is already 10 pounds as of his two week doctor visit, so he is on his way to being a big kid. he already looks like a grown up kid in this photo. i had totally forgotten how soft and cuddly new born babies are. sirus will snuggle right up to you and give you little warm nudges. he is so sweet. so sweet in fact that i told eric the other day that maybe we can have another one some day. not any time soon. not in the next 3 to4 years, but maybe after that. we will see, but boy, sirus is a cutie.
seamus totally digs him. she likes to "hold" him and give him hugs and wants to help with anything that has to do with him. maybe its a jealousy thing - making sure to stay in with the action, but its cute and she really does seem to like him.
we are in the midst of buying a new washer and dryer. i am so excited. i can't wait. i feel so old at being so excited about new appliances, but i am so excited to have a washer that actually washes and a dryer that doesn't squel like finger nails accross a chalk board and that dries towels in less then 4 hours. i can't wait.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


please welcome our new little boy,

Sirus John Atwood

born monday, october 3rd at 11:29am
9 pounds 0.6 oz and 20.5 inches long!

we are all doing great, big sister seamus is very excited to have a new little brother, she thinks he is very neat! i will post more later once things have settled down a little.