
Friday, September 30, 2005

should i get #6?

so, eric was the super nicest this morning. not only did he rub my back and shoulders, he went to starbucks to get me a tall, extra hot, non-fat hot chocolate, with whip cream and a piece of the pumpkin loaf. ahhh, i can now relax. i love the starbucks hot chocolate, there really isn't anything else quite like it. in an effort to save money, i have tried making the hot chocolate at home before work and i have tried making it at work, bringing in my own whip cream even, but its just never as good. when i go back to work i might resort back to making it at work though, if i can make it there... i told eric that i am going to get a coffee maker so i can have some coffee in the morning. i haven't had coffee regularly for several years - essentially since before i was pregnant with seamus. hot chocolate still has caffeine, just not to the same levels as coffee, at least that is what i tell myself and it is made with milk, so that makes it almost good for me to drink while i am with child.
so, no baby yet. i am starting to think that the truth will soon have to be revealed to me and they will have to tell me its a big old monster belly and there isn't really any baby in there at all. they are all very crafty at keeping their stories straight though, especially since i have seen so many different doctors and ultrasound ppl this time around. i especially find it interesting that they were able to "turn" it, too. they have this whole thing figured out.
i am almost out of the expensive stretch mark creme... how have i managed to go through 5 things of it this time around and with seamus i only went through 1.5. And this time, it isn't even working!! Well, it is, i am just monsterly huge this time so a few little marks that really aren't too bad have popped out. i am just worried that i am going to run out and then it will be anohter two weeks and then it will be a huge old mess. maybe i will just break down and buy another thing of it. the day we checked into the hospital to have seamus, eric and i were out shopping and i was debating as to whether to buy a new thing of it since i had just run out. i had decided against it adn next thing you know i was walking around capitol hill with a monster maxi pad in my yoga pants in case my water decided to gush all over the place. someone told me that the baby won't come until i am totally ready and accepting of it. when i think about how things worked with seamus it makes sense i guess. i am ready for this one, too, but i think it doesn't want to come out yet because its bed isn't even going to ship until oct 8!! i keep telling it that it doesn't have to worry, that we will let it sleep in the bed with us for that first little bit - something we never let seamus do. but i guess its just not willing to beleive me, or maybe it doesn't want to sleep in the bed with us?
i cleaned the house a little yesterday. its usually pretty tidy and generally has only a slight layer of dust from all of the contruction and a thin layer of hair from all of the cats. eric does a great job of keeping things together and even seamus who spends all day pulling all of her toys out all over the place has started to find it fun to help clean up. if i start doing something, she comes over and asks to help. so i let her. it takes a little longer but its worth it and she is just so darn cute, how can i resist! anyway, last night i cleaned some and it wasn't anything more or less then usual, but for some reason i had and still have a big sense of accomplishment from it. everything is in its place, for a little while at least, and it makes me happy to go into the living room and into the kitchen.
eric has two races this weekend. one tomorrow night and one on sunday. both are close by so there should be no issues as long as he answers his phone if needed. the race tomorrow will be fun. seamus has gone twice! once while i was pregnant with her and then last year, too. i don't think we will go this year because it doesn't start until 8pm. maybe we will go to the one on sunday though, unless its raining, or unless i am having a baby.


Lindsey said...

Mo and I are heading to Starcross on Sat. to watch the racing.

I have been craving hot chocolate, too, and got Swiss Miss to make at home. I don't know how they make it so tasty at esspresso stands (perhaps it is the whole milk or quality chocolate), but it is never as good at home.

Get the cream! I will buy the remainder off of you...for real. I haven't been putting much on the belly thus far besides some oil, but I could use it for these last couple of months.

If the baby does decide to come in the next day or two, we wish you the best!


Jennifer said...

Jeez baby, come out already!