
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

another wednesday....

so, yes, it is yet another wednesday and I am still pregnant. STILL.
Gory details to follow, so be warned! Last Wednesday i thought i was leaking fluid and the baby that is normally very active just seemed to not be active at all. I was in the car for 2 hours after work and it moves once i think. Yeah, that just wasn't right. So i called the doctor and they had me go into labor and delivery triage. when the nurse checked she said there was fluid leakage. but then some stupid doctor came in. it wasn't the doctor i was suposed to see and it wasn't a doctor from my doctors practice. it was just a stupid doctor who when she checked couldn't find anything. that is fine, that is not why she is a stupid doctor. she then went on to check to see if i was dilated at all only to not be able to find my cervix. WHAT?? its not that difficult. Its just right in there. She had to have one of the nurses come in and check. See, that is why she is a stupid doctor. After that I heard her making comments outside my room to the nurses implying that i was lying about the fluid and any contractions i had. finally the doctor i was suposed to see showed up and did an ultrasound to check to make sure the amniotic fluid was at a good level. the stupid doctor had no idea how to use the ultrasound machine so the nice doctor had to show her. the fluid was border line low, so i was told to go get another ultrasound on friday. anyway, i went home still pregnant and totally pissed off. At my appointment today i am going to tell the nice doctor how much i hate the stupid doctor and how there better not be any chance in hell that the stupid doctor delivers the baby when it decides to get here.

so i went to get the ultrasound on friday. that was a whole other story that i may tell about after my appointment today, but the fluid was fine so i went back to work. still pregnant.

the weekend went really well, i felt better then i have in a long time. eric had a cyclocross race on sunday and seamus and i went to watch. everytime someone would ride by seamus would say "wheee!" It was very cute. after the race seamus and i ran around. i didn't think we ran around too much but by the time i got home i was pooped. i had no idea.
ok, so i have my drs appointment in an hour - hopefully they tell me something good.

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