
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

geez, this week is so long

so, yesterday i had a drs appointment. but when i got there the doctor was off delivering other people's babies. the nerve!! so i had to come back later in the day. instead of going into the office i went back home and did some work there. eric and seamus had gone for a bike ride so i was home by myself. they have been going on bike rides a bit lately. the other day they went around the south end of lake washington. quite a distance, let me tell you. but seamus is an old pro - she had done the Tour de Cure with eric in may i think it was. 50 miles! What a trooper!
anyway, when i went to the doctors i had my check up. here are the gorry details - i didn't gain any weight since last weeek, baby is still head down, apparently i am dialted 2.5 to 3 cm already. That means i could get my epidural - RIGHT NOW, well, as long as I am at 3. Ok, not really since I'm not in labor but you only need to be at 3 to get it. 70% effaced. so things could happen here pretty soon, or it could be another 3 weeks. i am over 38 weeks so i am hoping for it to be soon.
tonight would work. i would be ok with tonight. although i would like to watch the season premier of america's next top model. the best show ever.
so, seamus is the cutest baby ever and she is very smart. we put her in pajamas at night time and she is wearing them when we put her to bed for the most part. but usually she takes them off before she goes to sleep. last night when i checked on her she was just in a diaper and a diaper that was very wet. so i changed her otherwise it may have leaked during the night or in the morning and that would ahve been sad to have a wet baby in the morning. apparently i didn't do a very good job because this moring eric emailed me and said that when he opened her bedroom door a nekkid baby butt came running out. she didn't pee the bed, but there were two diapers on the floor and a puddle of pee over by where the diapers are kept. we assume she was over there trying to get a diaper for herself and then just couldn't hold it any longer. she is so cute and funny.
eric has cyclocross practice tonight so hopefully she is not too much today. i am sleepy and i hope she will play nicely!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I am desperately waiting to hear if you had the baby...I have a feeling you have!

It is so fun reading your updates; keep us posted.

Lindsey and Mo