
Thursday, September 15, 2005

seamus is the cutest baby ever

but first - i forgot to mention that i found out what kind of baby we are having. eric has known since the 20 week appointment but has slipped a few times and then has been weirdly wishy washy when i ask him for confirmation. i told him that i was going to ask when they were turning the baby since they would have an ultrasound there and he said ok. but the ultrasound lady wasn't able to see that part. it was in a shadow. i figured eric slipped her a $20 to keep it a secret a little longer. when i went in on tuesday they did another ultrasound real quick to make sure bebe was still head down and i found out. its a secret though.
now on to seamus being the cutest baby ever. yesterday she apparently helped eric and his buddy build a few bikes. she got very dirty and eric didn't clean her up! i met them out at marymoore park since the first cyclocross practice was going to happen and i couldn't believe how dirty she was. so we went home and after sitting in traffic for an hour trying to get accross the 520 bridge i stuck her in the tub. she had gone through a stage where she was not happy about having her hair washed and would totally freak out and try to get out when we tired to rinse her hair. she seems to be over that and will even try to pour the water over her head herself to help rinse it. that is cuteness number one. also, the last two baths i have given her she is very interested in washing herself. she will take the washcloth from me or take some bubbles off of my hands and rub them on her belly and arms and then will sit and wash her feet, too. its been very fun to watch. i was leaning over the side of the tub and she stood up, took some of the bubbles from my hands and then went on to wash my face with them. she was so gentle and so cute that i could barely stand it. after all the washing was done she took the little shark tub toy that fills with water and squirts and kept squirting herself in the face with it. every time she would laugh and laugh. she is a different baby these days for sure.
after the bath she was super hunger because it was way past dinner time so she had dinner and then she asked to color so we colored for about a 1/2 hour - until she ate one of the crayons. i wasn't able to tell what color it was because she tossed the whole chunk in there but i guess we will find out in a day or so.
she has also learned to say banana and cheerio.
so i lost the office pool as to when the baby is going to get here. i said today at 9am and it is now today at 948am. no baby. i almost cried earlier when i found out that britney spears had her baby yesterday because i want to have mine so badly. when i told eric he reminded me how lame britney spears is and that we should try to distance the birth of our child from the birth of hers. good point.
chris shephard, teammate of seamus mcgrath was just busted for EPO. that is a huge bummer.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh--you found out! I am so excited to find out about ours, too.

We are thinking of you guys.