
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

i'm not the only one

so i went to the drs and saw the nice dr. she isn't my normal dr, who is very nice as well, but the dr that i saw last wednesday. my appointment was already with her since my dr wasn't available today. anyway, i told her about how i didn't like the stupid dr and she appologized and said she felt bad that i had such a bad experience. the stupid dr was an intern, apparently a very new intern who had just started this summer. i would think that by now she would know how to find a cervix, but maybe that is asking too much. the nice doctor hadn't ever met her until that night either, so she really didn't have too much to say other then to applogize and to tell me that i can always turn down treatment from the intern. thats what we did when seamus was born. the intern wanted to deliver her and i said no. they have to learn somehow but not on me. anyway, the nice dr said i was dialated to about 3cm so that is good but no progress in the effacement part of things. thats ok because i was feeling much better after leaving there today.
so i went to my car which i had parked in the parking garage only to find that i was totally squished in!! i had made sure to leave myself a lot of room on the driver side and the person who parked next to me parked over the line and into my space! i couldn't fit!! so i tried the passenger side and there was no way. so i went to starbucks then hung out and then called security. the guy came and told me he couldn't move my car for me for liability reasons but we went to go look. by then the car on the passenger side had left and a minivan had taken its place. the minivan was nice and left me just enough space to get the giant belly in the car, but then i had to hope over into the drivers side. its all kind of funny.
when i got home we went for a walk since it is so nice out. seamus is sleeping and i am doing some work. eric has cyclocross tonight, maybe i mentioned that, but he said if the baby comes tonight itg has to wait until after rush hour so he can make sure to get to the hospital in time.
my day is going much better!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

stay inside there bebe, no bebes during rushour!