
Saturday, March 11, 2006

rewarding bad behavior

to reward seamus for all of her screaming we are going to take her to disneyland. i am so excited. at first eric didn't want to go but i was going to take seamus with or without him. he has since decided that he will come with us, thank goodness because i don't know how i would have done on my own. the trip is booked, plane tickets bought and hotel reservations made, all for the first week of may. did i mention that i am so excited? sirus will stay here with grandma. he should have fun i think, but it will be strange not having him with us. i wonder if seamus will mention it?

here are some new photos.

everyone has an animal towel. seamus is a grey kitty just like seamus mccat. she gets very upset if she takes a bath and has to use a non-kitty towel.

sirus has an elephant towel. he is very cute when he is all cuddled up in it!

this is from the very first outing in the new double stroller. seamus was screaming about something so that is why her eyes are closed. screaming is much more effective if you have your eyes closed and can't see that that the screaming is getting you no where. except for possibly disneyland

sirus has whispy blonde hair! he also has a left pupil that is always just a little bit bigger then the right one.

easter bunny in training!

seamus about to eat sirus.

sirus looks very concerned but very cute at the same time. i love that he has a little bit of drool on his chin!

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