
Thursday, March 09, 2006

terrible twos

so now that seamus is better she thinks that she needs to scream every waking second of the day. not just lets be loud screaming but full on, 100%, all out, bright red face screaming with the occasional laying on the floor with her head in her hands -either face down or face up depending on her mood. we were at the craft store yesterday and she started screaming and she didn't realize the floor was hard there so when she layed down and threw her head back it went wack, which of course led to more screaming, but who could tell the difference.
i am trying to convince eric that we should take her to disney land in march. he is suposed to tell me today if he wants to go or not, but with all of this screaming i don't think he will want to go, at least not with her.
she screams about wanting a bottle instead of a cup, wanting the red cup instead of the orange, wanting a straw instead of the sippy lid, wanting neither a straw nor a lid, wanting oatmeal, wanting oatmeal RIGHT NOW, the oatmeal is too hot, wanting raisins, wanting to wear her blue jammies instead of the green ones, wanting her diaper changed, not wanting her diaper changed, wanting you to follow her upstairs, wanting a pencil, changing her mind and wanting a pen instead, wanting crayons instead, wanting markers instead, wanting to be held, wanting to be put down, wanting hugs, not wanting hugs.

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