
Sunday, April 23, 2006

dug vs dug, the effects on seamus

so friday was a pretty good day at work, i think. i can't really remember too much about it. the night before i went to a networking event at club owned in part by a guy who went to youngstown state and is friends with jen. that is crazy to me. i told him that we are now on a mission to get jen to come for a visit. dug from LA came up for the event as well as to see tweezer live in concert. dug was supposed to play the triangle but didn't. so sad but the drummer in the band was really hot so that made up for it. friday dug came over to visit the kids because he hadn't ever met sirus and i have been giving him a hard time about it. sirus and dug were instant friends and sirus proceeded to slobber all over dug's treo. dug used to be a manny so he knows how to hang with the kids. sort of. as soon as we walked into the house seamus started crying. she was in her room just waking up from a nap and she started to cry and didn't stop crying until a bit after dug left. i think she thought we were going to marry her off to dug and he was there to collect his dowry but of course that was not the case - there is no dowry. seamus has been having a tough time lately and not really napping or sleeping very well so there has been quite a bit of crying going on.
saturday seamus and i took starla to go swimming. it was so fun and starla just gets cuter and cuter every time i see her. she is having a baby boy which is very exciting because her baby and sirus can be buds. seamus had fun in the pool, went underwater twice and kicked her feet all over the place. she was a little nervous and she wasn't ever totally comfortable, but it was fun and i can't wait for this summer to take her and sirus up to my mom's and for swimming in the baby pool in the yard.
after swimming we loaded all of the bikes in the car and headed to south seatac. i had been toying with the idea of racing on sunday but allie convinced me that i should actually do it so we went down to pre ride the course but it wasn't set up when we got there so we debated on what to do. we decided to go to jack in the box and then head home. babies napped and after they got up we went back and road the course. i had decided that if it took me an hour or more to do one lap that i would not race. alas, it only took 30 minutes to do a lap, so i commited to racing.
sunday morning eric worked on my bike since i had complained that i couldn't shift down into my granny gear. before the start of the race we were hanging out with some folks and i pointed out that eric adjusted my shifting wrong and everyone looked at me funny. he had them correct but my miss thinking was probably why i couldn't down shift the night before. its been so long that i can't remember apparently. today was the 3rd time i had been on a mountain bike and the 4th time i had been on any bike at all in the past 18 months or more. the 3rd time was yesterday, the 2nd time was wednesday and then the 1st time was the road ride i had done the previous sunday. long story short, the race was way more fun then i could have hopped for, i came in 3rd in my category (slow old women) and there is no way i could have gotten off the bike and run for almost 4 miles. i have a lot of work to do!

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