
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

i can't remember too much about yesterday during the day. i do remember lunch and how i wasn't hungry so i went to the coffee bean and got a cappucino and the saw some carrot cake that looked really good so i got some of that and saved it for later. it was actually not very good at all so that was disappointing. after work we headed out to a going away party for someone at work who is leaving the company. i had two very tasty pina colada adult beverages with some strawberry stuff swirled through it. those were so good. i then went to the hotel because i did not want to go see v for vendetta. i walked over to the cheesecake factory to pick up some dinner - asparagus and snap peas and strawberry cheesecake. i dont knwo why i bother to pretend like i am going to eat something real when i know i just really want the cheesecake but its good to get some veggies in there and at least they were veggies and not a hamburger or something like that. this has totally turned into a food diary i am noticing... i got up this morning and went to the gym accross the street and had my own mini duoathlon. i was on one of the exercise bikes pedalling away. there are like 30 bikes there and i was the only one on any and some dude came in and got on the one right next to me. i just don't get it. so after i pedaled for a bit i went over to the treadmills for a while. funny stuff though - a guy i work with, i won't name names, haws had the hiccups for a few days now. he had really bad strep throat and got a shot in his arse that made it go away but now he has the hiccups. he went back to the doctor and they gave him hiccup medicine but its not working.

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