
Tuesday, April 04, 2006


for some reason everything is being underlined an totallyout of order right now. oh well.
seamus is so sweet when she sleeps. she calls that blanket her muck blanket.

the photo below is of seamus right before we left for brunch on sunday and she is taking my photo with her view finder.

oh! look no more underlining! how did that happen? these are of sirus's second attempt at rice cereal. he thinks rice ceareal is prettytasty!

luke came over for a visit. seamus and luke rode the rocking horse. seamus went to get her hat and put it on backwards so she could be like luke. then she leaned in for a kiss!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

those babies are too cutie! they must be a load of fun and surprises... Good thing Eric is a good helper, too!! I hope I can have a bebe too one day, I will be like 50 though...