
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

so grown up

eric just installed a dishwasher in our kitchen. this is very strange for me. i have been dreaming of one in the same way that i have been dreaming of a minivan. it comes when i feel totally overwhelmed and exhausted and i become deparate. i start thinking that a dishwasher might make it all better. well. let me tell you. i had no intentions of really acting on this until one day eric came home saying that so-in-so has a stainless steel dishwasher that is only a year or so old and they are upgrading to a fancy bosch thing or something. now, i thot it was a little ghetto taking someone's used dishwasher. until i looked up how much new stainless steel dishwashers cost. so eric picked it up, and to make it more ghetto, he put it on the deck and hooked it up through the kitchen window. just kidding, but he tore out a cabinet or two and put it right in. we loaded it up and started it up. and then in the morning the dishes were clean. magic!
we just made our water bill go down by $34 for two months. if this damn dish washer makes it go back up i am going to be totally annoyed. BUT the good thing is that we are totally accstomed to handwashing and can make the quick change. we will only have lost the the cabinet space.
that brings us to american idol. i am liking it for a few reasons. one is that simon is looking less gross these days and he is kind of funny. i think they are showing more of who e is as apposed to his just nasty comments.
we had some snow.
i am taking the week off from exercise. and from eating anything remotely healthy and in an reasonable portion. hence: lunch today: 1 scoop chocolate fudge & one scoop coffe oreo icecream. snack: cool ranch doritos. dinner: left over pork chop with Quaker Steak and Lube special mail order ranch sauce and giant bowl of cereal chased down with an alaskan amber. i am tired and i might be on the verge of illness. or maybe i am getting over it? it is all coming out on my face which is awesome cuz i look GOOD!!

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