
Sunday, December 21, 2008

snow snow snow

man, its snowing like crazy! we were all laughing on wednesday when all the schools were closed in anticipation of the big snow day and no snow came. i got up and went swimming thursday morning and there was a very light dusting, really nothing at all. but boy, just 1.5hrs later and there were inches on the ground. i headed home and decided to go home instead of into work. that decision was solidified when the car slid right past the driveway and i had to go down he block and turn around again.
i worked from home but took a break to go out for a quick snowball fight with the kids. it was pretty fun but very funny because sirus kept asking why everyone was throwing snow balls at him. we came in and had real homemade hot cocoa with marshmallows. then later on we went out for some sledding. our street was pretty fun to go down but we eventually opted to try the big hill. we hiked over there and the kids and eric went down a few times. there were quite a few bigger kids who were ruling the hill and seamus quickly decided she was done after two runs where the snow sprayed right in her face. talk about complete meltdown. in viewing distance of the house they both started crying like it was the end of the world. we got them inside and wrapped them up in warm blanket and they sat in their burritos for the next few hrs.
friday was a bit better so i went into work for a few hrs. it was quiet and only a handful of people were there. later we went shopping just to get out and about.
saturday was more snow. i rode on the trainer while watching nip/tuck. heading out to the garage to ride i had on a shrt sleeve shirt, a long sleeve and a super thick winter zip up jersey. i kept them all on for almost 10 minutes. trainer riding is ok, well, thats prolly cuz i've only done it twice so far. there was a big wind storm and i was concerned about the trees but everything seemed in one peice so we were lucky.
sunday was even more snow. eric has shoveled the driveway 3 times already this weekend. her took the kids to the store and i fell asleep. i just zonked out. i must have not slept very well due to the wind because i was out for about an hour. when i woke up it was snowing like crazy. eric and the kids had stopped at mcdonalds so the kids could play at the indoor playground. that was genius. i'll have to remember that one. when they got home i headed out for a run. it was 26 degrees and snowing. i had on big wool socks and my running shoes. i had on knickers and my running pants. i had on a long sleeve undershirt, long sleeve shirt, heavy long sleeve shirt and yellow wind breaker. knitt hat, sunglasses and fuzzy gloves. 8 minutes in i stopped to take the heavy long sleeve off and the sleeves off my wind breaker. it was tough running. up hill and downhill and on the ice and through the snow. it was hard but i had fun sort of and just kept thinking that it was just like running in sand in maui only colder. i was also thinking a lot about how nice its been seeing so many people out walking. we usually don't see anyone walking to the store or just about but since the storm hit everyone is walking all over. i hope they keep it up.
now we are supposed to get another 3-5 inches. i imagine i might work from home again. we will see. i have one of eric's christmas presents in my office, so i need to go get it!

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