
Saturday, December 06, 2008

Burger Meister Meister Burger

i like that the Burger Meister Meister Burger told Kris Kringle that he is obviously a non-comformist and a rebel.

today was the WonderGirl 5k. I volunteered as a coach for the girls. The whole experience was a bit different then i expected it to be but it was fun and I am happy i did it. i was very nervous before the first practice since i was afriad the girls might not like me but i think they liked me by the end, although i am pretty sure they think i am the weird coach that only comes on mondays. i expected the program to be more running based but it was indeed more about positive feelings, etc. Its a great program, just not what I expected. Today was the end of season race. it was an untimed event and everyone had race #1. it was fun to see the girls and to see them at the top of the big hill and then again at the finish line. as an added treat seamus ran with aunt christie and sirus ran with eric. seamus ran up the big hill! i was so proud to see her at the top of the hill! sirus ran to the bottom of the hill, the took a ride in the stroller up the hill, but then got out to run a bit when they saw me. seamus though wound up not having a very good race which makes me sad. apparently she was so intent on passing people that she went off the trail to run in the grass and she tripped and fell. that led to some crying and major frustration turned into there are all these people cheering but none of them are cheering for me. so sad. whenever we do these races we always expect to run and push the kids in the stroller. we ask them if they want out and seamus is always the first one to say she wants to run. sirus is usually the one to say no way. but this race was just too long. it was afterall 4k longer then any other running race she had ever done! but she recovered well and by the time we got into the car she was laughing and having fun and so full of energy that she must have run around the house for a good hr or more. sirus was a treat this time because he actually wanted to run! he rode a lot too, but he ran more then ever. he ran all the way through the finish shoot, but everyone was cheering too loudly so he put his hands up to his ears as he ran. all of the girls were forming a tunnel for the other girls to run through as they finished and sirus ran right through that tunnel!

later we were off to do a lacate threshold test! i wasnt sure i ws up for it. but xtie leant me her awesome new garmin and the weather was nice and eric was up for it, so i agreed. i was supposed to do an easy 15 minute warm up with a few short bursts. those bursts kicked my arse and made me have 2nd thoughts about this whole test thing. then i was to run 30 minutes at the fastest pace i figured i could hold for that entire time. i was to hit the lap button on the garmin at the 10 minute mark to get my average HR for the last 20 minutes. yikes!
it was 50 degrees and about 9 minutes in i had to take my shirt off and run with just a sports bra. i generate so much heat these days! i was dying. but i ran and i ran and i ran really hard. 22 minutes in got a cramp right below my ribs and had to back off for a minute or so. and the next few minutes th threat of the cramp was always there. i'm not sure if i ran as hard as i could but when it was finally done, i wanted to cry. i just wanted to cry, like really, i had to pretty much fight it from happening. but the average HR over the last 20 minutes was 182. i think i was working pretty darn hard. i passed a woman on her bike!

so now for some reason my coach wants me to try to get out on the bike some, too. what? she wanted to do the lactate threshold test on the bike but since i would be "right off the couch" she wants me to get out a bit first. yikes! and i am going to throw in some swimming with a swim coaching group next week. yikes!!

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