
Tuesday, June 01, 2010


i called the pt this morning and they told me the first available appointment with any of the therapists wasn't until June 8th. i wanted to cry. when they told me that i said, okok, i'll even see a dude, which i didn't want to do since my injury is strategically located. they still said june 8. i made the appointment plus a follow up. then i called back and asked if i could get in at their clinic's other location, and yahoo! they had an appointment open today! i jumped on that.
i got there, told the lady what was up, where it hurt and what was going on. i stood up, bent over, twisted, bent to that side then the other side. sat down, laid down, she pulled and twisted my legs all over the place. nothing really hurt too much, it was just very obvious that i have some very tight muscles. she said i had a strain of some sort on some sort of hip muscles, and maybe some minor tears, but she still couldn't figure out what the real injury was and what caused all the pain on race day. and then, bam, right there, she got it, the obturator internus in the below image.

yeah, so that was awkward. so its swollen and hurts like crazy, but she was just poking it and figuring out what was going on with it. turns out is all hip related, pelvic floor related and was likely aggravated when i got out of the saddle in that last mile of the race, to go up the shorter steeper hills and i pulled my knees out to keep them from bumping into the arm pads of my aero bars. sweet.
so i sat on some ice for a while and she came in to talk about the treatment plan, starting out by saying that next time she was going to give me a golf ball to, at which point i totally interrupted her with a yelp since i was NOT going to be doing anything with my pelvic floor and a golf ball, but she just laughed and explained i would not be doing anything graphic with it and instead using it to help with the spasm. still not so sure about that, but at least its a golf ball and not a roll of quarters.
good news is that it's not my back and it' not my hammys. she says i can do whatever training i want just as long as it doesn't hurt. so we'll see how that goes and hopefully it gets better soon! so now i'm sitting on ice wearing my winter coat.


Janet said...

When I got to the golf balls, I lost it. You're pretty darn funny.

I hope you have a speedy recovery!!

xtiesue said...

I don't understand that picture, but I can tell you that I've worked on a bunch of Hagens Berman cases lately. I do remember racking next to a dude with aerobars on his mountain bike at the Issaquah Tri last year.

also, my word verification is "winspork". I think Janet should start working on that!