
Monday, June 28, 2010

most of my injuries are sports bra related

at least they used to be. or sleep related.
i swear i did a number or two on my shoulders a few times trying to get the sports bra on, or trying to get my hr monitor all up in there just right, or goodness, trying to put any of it on while slightly wet. i am not meant to bend that way.
i went to the massage lady today and i am going to the pt on wednesday. my knee is still not great. its waaay better than last week, and i thot it was pretty good. i did a great hill repeat workout on saturday and felt awesome. i followed that on sunday with a hard 3000yd swim and a 20 minute easy run. that 20 minute run made me sad. i felt really really good, but my knee started to hurt around 5 minutes in. it got to a certain level of discomfort and just stayed there so i came home and iced. i made the massage appointment because my hammys were really tight after the hill workout and my neck was hurting and just i hadn't had a massage since october so i thot it would be good. she poked my hammys and said they were Inflamed and swollen. i said, are you sure that isn't just fat? she said no. she said she didn't want to work on them too much and instead told me to come home and ice them. she said i should spend more time stretching, too. yes i should.
we started talking about the contortionists in circ du solei. what do they do when they retire? do they stay bendy? do they get all stiff and full of arthritis? internets, please tell me! sirus loved to watch them tho, going on and on about how beautiful they were and how beautiful their costumes were. they were doing thei act on a spinning circle and when they were done they stood on it and it left the stage to which he said matter of factly: there they go on their plate.
we took pawpi in for a 3rd opinion, which was the same as the 1st and 2nd. we're waiting on some test results and will go from there. poor kitty. she's lost almost 2 pounds since february. thats a lot when you start out at 7.2 pounds. hoping she gets better soon!

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