
Monday, July 11, 2011


we've got a pokemon craze going on here in the house. non stop.
we also have a pain in my arse. mostly non stop. sometimes in my back.
last week we went to chelan and it was hot and glorious and relaxing and fun. i had a run analysis done. i look terrible when i run. i look like i am 85. i also look like my ass has gotten huge. has it? my mid section too. gawd i hate video. luckily he cut my head off in the video.
i had a race yesterday. i won my age group but i feel weird about the race. i had a sucky swim. ok, pity party going on right here. i am a sucky swimmer and its totally sucky. why bother swimming so much when i know people who haven't ever swam, or who have swum only a few times and then they get in and kick my ass? ugh.
oh, i had too much champagne the night before, too. and some wine. but just a little bit of wine. but it was a lot of champagne.
my bike was pretty good but i had mixed feelings about my run. maybe the booze affected it, i hope, or maybe it was the hills. i don't mean to be ungrateful for my age group placing, but man, i am going to have to figure out this swim situation.
i also have to figure out why i weigh like a thousand pounds. i think its because i am like super old and my metabolism has slowed down. or something.
my ART guy last week was just like WTF?!!?? why are you so messed up? he couldn't believe how i managed to get all messed up since the last time i had seen him, like a few days earlier. he's going to have a field day with me tomorrow, that's for sure. i am going to have to start booking him for double appointments or something. at the run analysis, that guy looked at me in horror as i couldn't touch my toes. i now have to stretch for 10 minutes a night, all in capital letters even.
maybe that will help me to get rid of my giant gut.


LaVonne said...

OMG - I don't even know HOW to respond to this post. Initial thoughts:
- swim lessons will make you faster. your form will need to improve for efficiency in the water
- neither your ass nor your gut is big. i aspire to look like you
- it's hard to get excited about a win when you feel like you didn't have a good race. but it was not an A race, and you were hungover, so you should let it go.
- everyone thinks they look terrible running. but i KNOW that I DO! but i thought you looked good at the race.

You're in a funk. You'll feel better once you get your ass worked on tomorrow.

Janet said...

I agree with LaVonne. On all points.

You totally deserved that AG win. And Travis totally said that you have a very efficient form, and that was a completely unprompted compliment!! There was no reason for him to say it other than he thought it was true!

Did you feel better after getting your ass worked on?