
Sunday, November 18, 2007


after i got home from NYC i spent a day in the office here then got up at 4am on thursday to head to LA. they called my name to the podium and i was hoping my upgrade went through, but it didn't. instead they wanted to move me further back in the plane so that a family could sit together. i was fine with that, but what is it with people?? once again i was traveling with a collegue. we boarded at the same time although my seat was now way in the back of the plane. when she got to her row she started to put her laptop bag in the overhead compartment when some dude essentially pushed her out of the way and was like "uh uh. that spot is taken. he then put his totally open suitcase up in there and messed around with it. totally lame. the family that bumped me out of my seat made space for her, so that was nice of them. i fell asleep pretty much as soon as i sat down. an hour later i woke up and the woman and guy next to me were having the most boring conversation ever. not only that but while i was sleeping the lady put all her garbage under my legs in my seat area. she also put her arm way over the arm rest border. she was a normal sized woman and didnt need the space so i was totally annoyed. we got to la, got the car and got to the office. its always great to see the LA team and it was my first time to their office. they have internet for everyone. we had a huge chinese lunch and then hung at the office. we then had some great margarhitas and i had a totally crazy delicious chocolate box filled with white chocolate mousse and berries. SO TASTY. i wonder why i came back feeling like crap? i could barely stay awake long enough to watch survivor!! kelly picked me up in the morning and we went for a run along the beach in manhattan beach and saw the beverly 90210 beach house. i was now feeling considerably better. the LA team convinced us to catch and earlier flight so after lunch we headed to the airport. i got on the plane, went to my row and WHO was sitting there in the middle seat? the boring guy from the boring conversation from my first flight. he recognized me and we had a laugh. i told him it must be fate because the first flight that wasn't even my seat. he said it wasn't his either - he got moved so a family could sit together. weird. then i told him i wasn't even supposed to be on that flight home, and he said he had caught an earlier flight as well. weird. then we chatted and he gave me all the same lines he had given the boring lady on the way down. it was weird. he was a nice guy, i will give him that, but it was weird.
i got home in time to give sirus a kiss good night and to take seamus to bed.
saturday i took seamus to see Disney Princess Wishes ON ICE. it was fun. before the show we walked through seattle center. there are some fun carnival rides, so i stuck seamus on one and round and round she went. later we met up with the cousins and seamus wsa on cloud 9. the show was entertaining, but i hate to admit that Dancing with the Stars on Tour was more entertaining but seamus really liked it and that is what is important. she got some binoculars, too, which is good because she has always wanted some.
i am totally upset and embarrassed. i have been going around telling people that i like the show nip/tuck. i watched two episodes in a row, the first two of the new season i think where the docotrs had just moved to LA. i thought the show was great and told everyone. but then today. TODAY!! we watched a tivo'ed episode. and IT WAS NOT GOOD. eric said he was suprised when i said i liked the show becaus he KNEW WHAT IT WAS ABOUT. i didn't know. now i need to track down every person that i may have told that i liked it to and told them i had no idea what i was talking about.
the seattle 1/2 marathon is next sunday. i have not been running as much as i should, or maybe i have been tapering really well?
and now it is late and i have to go to bed so that i can go to work tomorrow.

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