
Saturday, November 17, 2007

NYC + maui part 3

the ny trip was good. sunday at 345 am the phone rang and someone was leaving a message. i couldn't hear it but figured that if it was important they would call back. no call back. i got up at 6 and was about ready to leave the house at 615 when i checked the message. it was the airline saying my flight was delayed 2 hrs. nice. through all my message playing and subsequent airline calling, seamus woke up. i told her to get her clothes on, we were going out for breakfast. we drove around for 45 minutes - out to the u district, eastlake, capitol hill - nothing was open!! we wound up at starbucks. seamus was irritated because i told her she could eat cereal at a resturant but the chocolte donut eased the pain. but as soon as we got home she wanted cereal. then i went to the airport. the flight was good, i think. i do'nt remember. we caught a cab, checked in then went looking fro dinner. and the start of my terrible week of gourging and weight gain began. we had some of the best indian food i have had in a long time. it was damn tasty. the next morning i overcame my fear and went running in central park. i did two laps around the south portion of the park. it is not scary. i was imagining that i would come up to ben afleck and run with him for a bit. but i didn't see him.
work was work but it was good to see the team. they took us out for crazy tasty dinner and i ATE mini hamburgers. i was getting fatter by the second. tuesday i slept in at the urging of eric. we got into the office, had no internet and whatever. i think on monday i went to the american girl place and got seamus and her doll matching shirts and got the doll a hair care kit. tuesday i got to see liz!! so fun. we had some lunch although we forgot to get her sandwich although we paid for it. we went to fao schwartz. it was scary in there. i imagined taking the kids, their heads would have spun on top of their little bodies but there really are some scary things going on in that store. but it was fun and i appreciated that liz let me do my touristy thing. the flight home - i fell asleep on the plane as it started to taxi. but get this - the plane returned to the gate and we all had to get off. one of the engines wouldn't start. so i met up with my collegue when we were off the plane and she told me about her boarding story. she got to her seat and a woman was in it. the lady basically just told my friend to sit in the seat accross the aisle. she was fine with that until the lady whose seat that was came up to her. she went back to the lady who stole her seat and was like hey - thats not cool. and the lady turned away and totally ignored her. the lady who came into the picture last, got really uncomfortable and told my friend to go ahead and take the isle seat, she is pregnant after all. my friend graciously accepted but felt really abd about it. then we deplaned. i told her that if the first lady was in her seat when we got back on that she should call the flight attendant right off the bat. the nerve of it all, but the lady took my friends seat!! again!! the third lady interjected right away and said she really didnt mind the middle seat and it was no biggie. i was annoyed by the whole thing. we started to taxi and the captain got on and said we were 10th in line to take off. but eventually we did get home and i rolled into bed around 1am.
now, backtrack a week or so and we are at day 3 of the maui trip and the day of the Xterra! eric got up really early and went with charles to the race site. the rest of us slept in a bit, had some breakfast and then CHERI met us at the condo! it was so great to see her! she looks like a million bucks!! totally amazing!! we all piled into the car and went down to the race site. cheri, seamus and i went down to the beach to watch the race start, grandma and sirus hung up a little higher up and walked around some. seamus was happy as a clam playing in the sand while we waited for things to get going. the race start was very exciting, with a helecopter and the beautiful view. the swim consisted of two laps, with a short beach run between the laps. eric said he saw some fish on the second lap. i followed eric out of the water and over to transition. off on the bike he went. cheri and i took the kids to the beach for a while. when we met back up with grandma, sirus was all about laying on the ground so we packed everyone up in the car and took grandma and sirus back to the condo. then off to the race site again. we hung out and watched people continue to come in from the bike and head out on the run. i figured we missed eric which it turns out we did, i think. i can't quite figure it out. it was hot and i kept trying to get seamus into the shade and to wear a hat and to drink some water. cheri doesn't get tired and spent the whole day tossing seamus in the air, twirling her around and playing with her non stop. seamus loved it! i suggested that maybe she would like to go slap some hands. she was diligent and kept her hand out, but no one slapped her hand. okokokok, maybe because it was the world championships and maybe because these people were working on winning world championship titles, but you'd thing someone would slap a little girls hand? well, no one did, but she did get her photo taken by the local press and her photo was in both the printed paper and the online version with her name and everything. at some point eric came up to us to say hey. he looked terrible. his shorts and jersey were white from all the salt. his eyes were sunken he looked aweful. he didnt finish the race. he got a mile or so into the run and then had to lay down for a while. the heat, the bike portion, the fact that the first few miles of the run were all up hill, all of it was just oo much. he decided that we were on vacation and that he would rather not wind up in the hospital which i think was a wise decision. so he layed down in the shade for a while and then back tracked down the hill. had he continued on and gotten to the top of the hill he probably would have felt ok since the next mile is all down hill, but if he hit big beach feeling the way he was, he would have been stranded on that beach feeling as though he had been stranded by a ship wreck onto a deserted island. we found out that many of the people we knew who raced had problems with the race and that all of them finished close to an hour longer then expected.
we packed up and went back to the condo. eric took a shower then he and i went to get some dinner. he made the right decision to stop when he did since he was able to eat and rehydrate without getting really sick, so we were all happy. i think we even took the kids to the pool later that evening. and that was sunday.

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