
Friday, November 30, 2007


so, sunday was the race. monday i went to work fyt felt like arse, headed home early with a fever. tuesday i just stayed home with the fever but by the end of the day i was feeling better. i did work on tuesday but just being home and being able to take a nap in the afternoon did me wonders. another plus to staying home was that i was able to take seamus to preschool and pick her up. i made eric and sirus go with me and i made them go inside to drop her off since i wasn't sure what all needed to be done, but it was fun and she was cute. she did have a complete meltdown before we left the house because i made her change out of her pink tights with flowers, camoflauge shorts and brown dress and gasp! i made her put on some pants!! she kept screaming that those were 4 year old pants and that she couldn't wear them until she was 4 and then she would flail and throw her body all over the place. apparently she has said this to eric before, too but he just ignored it and got out something else for her to wear. only after it all settled down did i realize the problem. when she first got the pants they were way too big on her, and i do remember saying that maybe they would fit her when she was 4.
wednesday i still felt like crap and thursday i felt like crapola. i don't remember anything about either of those days at work and i don't remember anything about those evenings either. today i was still feeling a little arse like and my head was full of snot. my sinuses were killing me and my head hurt so i called the doctor to make an appointment. i got in on a saturday but now that i am home i am feeling better so i wonder if i will go in there totally healthy. don't know.
when i came home from work i could see eric through the window in just a t-shirt and boxer shorts running around the house. apparently eric had sat down at the kids little table to try to get sirus to eat since he hadn't eaten any of his dinner. sirus walked up to him and just threw up on him. he then threw up again. then i came home. i picked him up and cuddled him. he was resting on my shoulder and threw up all down my back then another time on the tile floor. i then took him up to his room and we sat on the rocking chair and watched his biker lamp for a while. i asked him if he wanted to lay in his bed and he quietly said yeah. i asked if he wanted me to lie down with him and he quietly said yeah. then i asked him if he wanted me to sing to him and he quietly said yeah which was shocking because he usually screams nonono when i sing. he made himself laugh a little bit and then he just kind of relaxed. i asked him if it was ok if i turned out the light and he quietly said yeah. the little guy is such a sweetheart, its so sad that he isn't feeling well. hopefully he will be better in the morning.
my body on the otherhand has been dealing with my sickness in some weird ways. the other day all of my organs felt like they were going to fall out of my body. thank godness that passed. now i am just dealing with how my body is ridding itself of all the toxins - by giant crazy zits on my chin. GIANT. like, i don't even know what these things are and am a little concerned about even going to the doctors tomorrow with them because i am pretty sure, me, the zits and the doctor won't all fit in that little examination room. HUGE i tell you.
eric asked me to stop at the likker store on the way home from work. in this house we get our tequilia by the gallon. when i went to the cashier, the guy paused and looked at me. i could tell he was thinking - ok, so this lady looks like she is 40 but she has the remains of what looks to have been a great hairdoo and those zits! could she be? hmm, i don't know. do i card her? and no, he didn't, instead he said credit or debit? and off i went with the gallon of tequilla.

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