
Thursday, January 07, 2010


i went to the PT yesterday. i need new orthotics and i decided to go to someone new. i've had the same ones for a few years and i realized my feet kind of always hurt.
the guy watched me walk. and run. and squat and all kinds of other things. he asked me if anyone ever told me that i walk loudly to which i replied, no and went on to tell him that if they did, i would hit them. he laughed. i was serious.
but he helped me understand why when i do track workouts my right leg feels like its on wrong, and my the top of my left foot hurts and the bottom of both feet hurt. it was good. he said the orthotics would make me a more efficient runner. i said, oh, you mean faster? he said more efficient. i then made him say they would make me faster so he did, and he laughed again.
i went to the PT today. a different one, but in the same clinic. at 630am. i showed up and at 640, the guy i saw the day before came out to tell me that the people who do the scheduling didnt tell the therapist i was meeting with that she had an appointment. she would be an hour late, but could see me at 730. i said ok.
my neck hurts. it always has but it gets really bad sometimes. i see a massage therapist and have been for a few years. maybe you remember the horrible jaw pain from october 08? but really it has been a few years. its terrible. i went to a chiropractor once who told me my neck bends the wrong way. but they were far away and expensive so i wasn't ready to commit to that plan. so i came to this pt. apparently my back doesn't have a curve in it where it is supposed to and then at the very top, it bends to the left. she said not scoliosis, just a bend, which could be due to the muscles pulling it over there. the muscles could be tight because i have a giant head, because i sit at a desk and have bad posture, because i am right handed or because when i swim i only breathe out the right side. she suggested when i swim to try and do a few laps breathing out the left and i told her i will do that but if i drown, i will stop. she then gave me lots of hugs and showed me some exercises to do. then i will go back twice a week for the next two weeks and then maybe be pain free! that would be awesome!!

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