
Sunday, January 31, 2010

oh i'm tired.

so thursday started with a 2hr ride on the trainer in the morning before work. there was lots of mad men being watched folliowed by the tudors. i can watch the tudors all day while on the trainer. its slow, and not much goes on, but its good. i like it. but that was the end of my happiness. work was really hard. lots happens at work all the time, but when it all happens all in one day, yeah, sometimes i don't do so well. i wound up crying to my boss! ooooh nooo!! wow, that was embarrassing. but i was pretty upset. usually i am a low key, easy going kind of gal, but yeah, not that day. i was all riled up and wow. anyway, my boss was awesome about it, made me not feel like a dumb ass for getting so upset and helped me figure some stuff out. it was good. embarrassing, but good. so i went home after work and drank some cosmopolitans, which weren't nearly as good as the lemon drops but there were no lemon drops, only cosmos. they did the job.
up early and off to swimming on friday. WTH??? when did friday become butterfly friday? ugh. but swimming has been going so well so that was good. saturday was a fun 3hr ride with the girls. at one point i was doing a standing drill and my hr monitor started beeping. one of the girls riding near me asked me what the beeping was telling me. my initial though was to say that it was telling me how awesome i am, but instead i told her the truth. the weather was semi-crappy but really not too bad, so it was way fun but sheesh, i was pooped after! i passed out on the couch!!! PASSED OUT.
in the morning i took seamus to her circus class. its way fun. she really likes it although some of it is "scary fun", like sitting on the top of the trapeze. she is not a fan of that. today she did some crazy things on the rope and the hoop. they also did more acrobalancing. i think we need to so some of that at home, but its so cute because the kids all balance in funny positions on top of each other.
after we went for a run in our new compression tights. i wore my new orthotics for the first half and they were awesome. but i took them off 1/2 way just to be sure. i am very concerned and dont' want to push it. every time my hr got too high and the hr monitor beeped, eric would look over to me and tell me that i need to back off of my awesomeness. january is not the time to be awesome.
but right now, i am exhausted. i am patiently waiting for the kids to go to bed so i can chow down on some peanutbutter captain crunch, and then i suspect i will go to bed. but i am chilling in my new compressions socks recovering, right?

1 comment:

LaVonne said...

i have to stop buying peanut butter puffins because i binge on it. like 4 bowls at a time. then i am bloated and my mouth is ripped up.