
Sunday, May 01, 2011

the end of april

with the end of april comes me getting old. not quite 40 yet, but no longer early 30s, or even mid 30s any longer. i am no officially in my late 30s.
the week was ok, i had a daunting workout schedule - two big swims, swims that were the longest swims in the history of swimming, topping out at 4000 on saturday morning. this swim went quite well, despite a horrible, horrible swim on friday! that swim was only 1400 but while I did it, i wondered how i could ever get through it, i started to feel sorry for myself and my poor swimming ability and wondered why do i spend so much time in the pool when i just suck swimming ass so badly. i had also woken up friday morning thinking it was my birthday that day, wondering why the kids didn't wish me a happy birthday at all. maybe i was having a pity party because prince william had gotten married and although he is not nearly as cute as he used to be, back when i went to england in 2000, i am pretty sure he had seen me sitting outside of buckingham palace and had decided he wanted to marry me, but instead found this kate chick, because, if you think about it, she is pretty much an exact replica of me and stuff. sheesh. whatever. i remember waking up really early to watch princes dianna mary prince charles back in the day, and yes, i couldn't wait to see the photos of kate's dress and all of it all. but by the time the swim came in the evening i was aggitated and annoyed and waaaah, i am such a sucky swimmer.
but then i woke up on saturday, and the kids were excited to wish me happy birthday, and their favorite babysitter was coming over to watch them so eric and i could swim the whole 4000 and then go mtn biking. the best part about the swim was that eric and i are incredibly immature. the directions for the swim said to take a clif shot 1/2 way through but unfortunately shot was misspelled as shat. so eric and i chuckled non stop about what would happen when i shat in the pool during the swim. would i get kicked out? would we have to wait until the pool totally refiltered? would it feel good? yeah, so lots of laughing about that one. non stop.
but the swim went well and the mtn biking was delux! we went to duthie and it was borderline warm! knee warmers, jersey, arm warmers and vest. NO hat, short fingered gloves! wow! it was fun!
after, we headed home and i took a nap! then got dressed to go out to dinner. i picked out a grey dress to wear but seamus though i should wear a black one instead. i asked her why not the grey one - she said it didn't have enough color. but apparently the black one had enough.
we went to the cactus!!! in kirkland and i had two of their totally amazingly delicious margaritas!!! after we came home and had cake - the cake that eric baked for me exactly to my specifications - white cake, homemade butter cream icing and coconut. i wanted it to taste just like my favorite kind of donuts that have icing and the coconut on them, they call them feather boas at top pot, but i remember them from when i was little when my mom would sometimes bring them home for us from dunkin donuts! we don't have dunkin donuts in seattle. BUT they have dunkin donuts in the atlanta airport. i look for the coconut donuts every time i go through there and they never have them. but my birthday cake was delicious!!! and the day overall was fantastic!
today i headed out somewhat early for an 1:20 trail run. it was sooooo sunny, the sky was soooo clear. i struggled with what to wear because really it wasn't even 50 degrees yet, but the sun was soo amazing! at one point i heard a funny noise and then a GIANT black bear come around the corner! turned out it wasn't a bear but a giant dog. i stopped to talk to its owner, plus their other 3 giant bear like dogs! i told them my initial reaction and we had a few chuckles about it while i petted their dogs. it was funny because all 4 of them came right up to me and sat down right infront of me.
when i got home i rounded up the kids and headed to the gym for some quick lifting and then the kids and i went for a bike ride! we rode to the store to pick up some lunch then rode to the park for a picnic and then we played for a long long while then rode back to the car to head home. oh it was so warm and sunny! oh how i hope we will get some more sun in the coming weeks!! please!!

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