
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

compliments that aren't really, part deux

i am a big fan of compliments that aren't really compliments. like here and here.
yesterday i thought i got a compliment that's not really but maybe it was an insult that wasn't really?
i went to a sports chiropractor for the first time. i had gone to a normal chiropractor a few years ago and she totally freaked me out. although she had used her little popper to pop a few joint in my chest which actually felt amazingly good, she had me lay on some crazy ass table that made horrible noises and jarred my noggin so hard i saw stars. that and she tried to get me to commit to some crazy treatment plan for the next year. i couldn't do that, plus she scared me so i never went back.
but after the race the other weekend when i had the ART done, it has been all i can think about. i called my insurance and it didn't seem like it was covered but then i called the place anyway and talked to them and we got it all figured out and it is covered after all! i made an appointment and i was so excited to go!
i already had a history with the guy since he worked on me at the race, but we talked some more and then we got to work. i told him about all my aches and pains. he asked some health history questions and i should have known that the compliments (insults?) would be coming when he said i was healthy as a horse.
so the obturator inturnus came up so of course, there i was all laying face down on the table when he said we were going to get all personal and yep, right up in there. not invasive by any means but yeah, maybe i will wear pants next time instead of shorts. he did some awesomely painful things to my hips, so awesomely painful that i could barely talk or move but it was totally awesome. he had me stand there and he looked at my back, he poked me a few times and was like, oh yeah, these muscles are hard as rock. then he hurt me again, but it was so good, i was sad when it was done. there was some strength testing in which he was giving me crap about being weak, not bad crap but joking crap and then wow, my right hip, to quote him, has got nothing. i could hardly push any resistance against him. then more hurting then on that crazy table that was weaving me back and forth. i flat out was just like, whoa! what is going on?? then he cracked my lover back which was awesome. loved it. then we talked some at which point he said i was a solid girl. ok, girl is good, solid, i am not so keen on. solid is right up there with sturdy or thick. but he followed it with , you know, not full of flab and all that other stuff. what other stuff??? anyway, when i had walked in there i was in quite a bit of pain, but when i walked out i felt 100%. it was awesome.
after work i did a track workout, hitting times between 5:58 and 7:20 for the various distances and wow, i didn't hurt at all! later that evening, yeah, i was a little out of sorts, but man, feeling quite helpful about this whole ART thing!!
something exciting is going to happen on saturday! whoowhoo!!

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