
Wednesday, January 04, 2012


making progress i am!! yahoo. hope to stay on this path for a while.

today at work i thought i was having an appendicitis. oh it was horrible. so horrible i started getting dizzy and i was going to throw up and all i wanted to do was lay down. i called eric and was all woe is me. i was almost headed to the hospital and then i felt better and i no longer had an appendicitis. so i went for an hour run. now i feel fine but i think i need to roll around on the tennis ball for a bit. eric thinks its from my new favorite beverage of choice, hot water with lemon.

i ran on the treadmill at the gym. i was at they gym yesterday as well. its crazy there, every treadmill is taken, i watched 10 cars pull into the totally full parking lot as i was trying to turn out of it. new years resolutions in full swim. except for at the pool. yesterday i showed up and there was 1 guy in there. i stood on the side of the pool and was like, eww, its pretty foggy in there. he said yeah, and chilly, but he said he was pretty sure it was totally safe. ha. doubtful, but i got in and swam anyway. today i walked by the pool, only today there wasn't anyone in it except a few little kids sitting on the side with their feet in. but it wasn't foggy any more. so that was good. hoping its clear and not so cold tomorrow morning. gotta get back on the morning training train. today while on the treadmill, i was watching 24. the last time i was there and they were showing 24 jack's wife and daughter were being held captive. this time the wife and daughter were fine, but jack was held captive and then they got his daughter again. i'd be so mad if i were his wife and daughter.

we're watching cowboys and aliens. i sure do like daniel craig. but why does harrison ford talk like that now that he is old?

at the end of the first star wars when princess leia was giving luke and han solo their medals, sirus said that really she was just trying to decide which of them she was going to marry. he also said that darth vader doesn't have a gun like the rest of his team.

progress people. progress!!! moving in a positive direction!

1 comment:

LaVonne said...

So true about the pool! We got in today at noon and we were the only ones in there for quite a long time! What? No one makes resolutions to swim? I thought that was really funny. I have not visited the fitness room yet...