
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

lots of words and photos

a bunch has been going on.  man, i am exhausted but now i will start to have the chance to relax.
first, let's talk about my health.  i am good!  hooray!  i've got some bald spots and i just actually touched them the other day and the skin is very soft.  i went in for my radiation follow up and you know what the doctor said?  he said no to getting a tattoo on my head.  can you believe it?  he was sort of funny about it, he was like, you've already had a lot of therapy on your head, man if he only knew!!  and do i really want to go see the neurosurgeon in another month and have a potentially infected tattoo on my head?  and you know my hair is going to grow back and it could scar and blah blah blah.  so ixnay on the attootay.  other then that,  he said i've probably got another two weeks before all the blah feelings of the radiation should be gone, i should feel a-ok.  which actually based on this past week and everything that went on, and my severe lack of naps, i am well on the road.  and this is my first week back as full time at work!  
allie came to visit!!  hooray!  we have been planning this trip since FEBRUARY!!!  it was originally the only trip she was going to make, but then i went and had a tumor and such so she came to visit me in june which was fabulous and actually good because on that trip she became an expert in driving my car, so this time around she drove quite a bit of the time.  she'd take me to work and then go on allie adventures.  and omg, she baked sirus's bday cake and ran a ton of errands for me. oh i love her!! and i love having her here.  wondering how i can get more allie time!!  got to work on that.  oH!!  she also went running with me which was way fun because 1) she got me out the door and 2) i actually picked up the pace a little.  not fast by any means but just cruising along.  it was great.
we had a bday party for sirus at the bowling alley.  it was family with aunt christie and grandma and allie and us.  it was fun.  seamus hadn't ever been bowling, and they put the bumpers up for all of us so we were all super awesome.  some of us were more awesome than others, but all in all there was a quite a bit of awesomeness.  christie even got a turkey!!  (that is 2 strikes in a row for those of you who aren't quite up to speed in your bowling terminology!)
oh and allie did a 10k and totally kicked arse - 3rd woman overall!!  she is crazy fast, i don't know how she flings her tiny body through the air like that, but i saw it and it was fast!!
and we had sirus's bday party with his friends!  we made a lego man photo booth and a lego man came with a whole stash of legos for the kids to make zip line racers.  the kids were crazy!!!  oh my, screaming and running and kicking and punching and jumping on top of each other and crying and wanting to go home and wow, it was a lot, and then the lego man showed up and they were completely silent the whole time he was here.  amazing!!
we went to oktoberfest up in leavenworth again.  so fun.  last year we were finalist in the chicken dance competition, this year i made myself some fake hair and was the leader of the conga line.  it was a ton of fun.  i love going to leavenworth.  we went on an amazing hike but the fires have been so bad over there you could smell and see it in the air.  amazing.

seamus got the ed emberly book from school


the closest they have been to a cuddle pile

this scary thing was on the front porch!  terrifying!!

zucchini boats made out of zucchinis from the garden

zucchini boating


what cho talkin bout
sirus in the lego man photo booth

seamus's lego zipline racer

experimenting with fashion - boots with thigh high socks from American Apparel, pushed down below my knees

sirus at the asteroid wall after bowling

grandma gave sirus an RC Jeep to match Dad's big Jeep

Allie experience the hand forged goodness that is Top Pot Doughnuts

Luv Madonna

the goils getting ready for some musac

the show got way weirder before it got better, but always a little weird. and loud.

sirus and his lego head cake that allie made!

bff's in the photo booth!

seamus raced the jr cyclocross race - two pull laps of the adult course.  she is not a fan of the sand pit.

sirus did the kids race, its hard lifting a bike that weighs about 1/2 your weight over that barrier

i did a race, can't remember which one, i think this was lake sammamish.  i was doing pretty well until i hit the run and it all fell apart.  i was still thankful to be out there racing!

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