
Monday, January 23, 2006

creepy glow in the dark butterflies crawl on my face

so, i went to the doctor this morning to discuss my foot. she doesn't seem to think that my pain and swelling and the likes are plantarted at all or maybe she does but she didn't say so. she says it looks like inflamation of where the achillies attaches to the heel. maybe its all the same thing i don't know, but she suggested i see a foot doctor since foot pain is not a new thing for me. i have an appointment for the 30th.
yesterday i went shopping for shoes that don't have high heels and that don't make me feel frumpy. the toenail on my right foot seems to be attaching itself so far so i decided it was ok to try on some shoes that weren't open toed. this turned out to be relatively sucessful. i wound up with two pairs. i got me some clarks, parsnips, new this season but also on sale, shown here:

they are cute and comfortable and even the doctor commented on them. the others are just some pointy toed black flats that i can wear with dress pants and even skirts. we will see how i manage to function 2 inches shorter then normal.

seamus and sirus were up to their usual shennanigans this weekend although seamus has now discovered the crack that is disguised as bob the builder. she wanted to watch it non stop and i have to admit i let her watch it quite a bit while eric was out riding his bike. the theme song is very catchy. it is performed by neil morrissey who i was hopping was the morrissey from the smiths but it is not. still, a very catchy tune. sirus sometimes sleeps very well and then sometimes doesn't sleep well at all. lately he hasn't been sleeping well. he is easy to get back to sleep once he wakes up but he just wakes up and gets so upset that i have to go get him. that plus he turns himself and will be bopping his head against the crib rails or he will get his feet stuck between them. he is so big!

the seahawks are going to the super bowl which is exciting and its all because sirus was wearing his sleepasaurus jammies yesterday that resemble seahawks colors. he also seemed to be very interested in the game while having tummy time.


Lindsey said...

Do you put Sirus on his tummy each day? Amelia hates it; how do I get her to like it? Is is persistance?

Cute shoes.

Sparklinglady said...

sirus really likes tummy time and has from day one. seamus hated it and would scream the second we put her down - that is until she got a little stronger and discovered how much fun tummy time can be. keep trying and maybe get on the floor and do tummy time with her!