
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

sizes are so screwed

so, ya know how they talk about how today's size 4 is really the old size 8 or something of that sort? its totally true and not only that, jeans that are suposed sized by waist measurement in inches are going along that same way of fake-ness.

back in my supermodel days i wore a size 8. sometimes i would fit into a size 6 but normally it was a size 8. that was back when i was 5'10" and 119 with no womanly attributes. now that i am only 5'9" and very much not 119 i consistently git in a 6 and occasionally a size 4. since i am a slave to numbers, i will always buy anything that says 4 in it. even if it is totally butt. i do not have this same approach with shoes. i will only buy a pair of shoes that doesn't fit if they are totally awesome.

so, how do i know that jeans are going down this same road of fakeness which i am more then happy to go down with them? yesterday i went shopping and tried on a pair of 7 jeans. i took a pair in a rediculous size because i feel that my jeans should be so damn tight that the pain that is inflicted due to wearing them offsets the pain in my feet from wearing shoes too small or with heels to high. anyway, the size that was rediculous fit reasonably well and if they stretched would be acceptable so i was able to go a size smaller to hit the desired pain threshold. these will be stand up jeans only since sitting will be an unavailable option - hense the ability to wear painful shoes at the same time.

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