
Friday, September 30, 2005

should i get #6?

so, eric was the super nicest this morning. not only did he rub my back and shoulders, he went to starbucks to get me a tall, extra hot, non-fat hot chocolate, with whip cream and a piece of the pumpkin loaf. ahhh, i can now relax. i love the starbucks hot chocolate, there really isn't anything else quite like it. in an effort to save money, i have tried making the hot chocolate at home before work and i have tried making it at work, bringing in my own whip cream even, but its just never as good. when i go back to work i might resort back to making it at work though, if i can make it there... i told eric that i am going to get a coffee maker so i can have some coffee in the morning. i haven't had coffee regularly for several years - essentially since before i was pregnant with seamus. hot chocolate still has caffeine, just not to the same levels as coffee, at least that is what i tell myself and it is made with milk, so that makes it almost good for me to drink while i am with child.
so, no baby yet. i am starting to think that the truth will soon have to be revealed to me and they will have to tell me its a big old monster belly and there isn't really any baby in there at all. they are all very crafty at keeping their stories straight though, especially since i have seen so many different doctors and ultrasound ppl this time around. i especially find it interesting that they were able to "turn" it, too. they have this whole thing figured out.
i am almost out of the expensive stretch mark creme... how have i managed to go through 5 things of it this time around and with seamus i only went through 1.5. And this time, it isn't even working!! Well, it is, i am just monsterly huge this time so a few little marks that really aren't too bad have popped out. i am just worried that i am going to run out and then it will be anohter two weeks and then it will be a huge old mess. maybe i will just break down and buy another thing of it. the day we checked into the hospital to have seamus, eric and i were out shopping and i was debating as to whether to buy a new thing of it since i had just run out. i had decided against it adn next thing you know i was walking around capitol hill with a monster maxi pad in my yoga pants in case my water decided to gush all over the place. someone told me that the baby won't come until i am totally ready and accepting of it. when i think about how things worked with seamus it makes sense i guess. i am ready for this one, too, but i think it doesn't want to come out yet because its bed isn't even going to ship until oct 8!! i keep telling it that it doesn't have to worry, that we will let it sleep in the bed with us for that first little bit - something we never let seamus do. but i guess its just not willing to beleive me, or maybe it doesn't want to sleep in the bed with us?
i cleaned the house a little yesterday. its usually pretty tidy and generally has only a slight layer of dust from all of the contruction and a thin layer of hair from all of the cats. eric does a great job of keeping things together and even seamus who spends all day pulling all of her toys out all over the place has started to find it fun to help clean up. if i start doing something, she comes over and asks to help. so i let her. it takes a little longer but its worth it and she is just so darn cute, how can i resist! anyway, last night i cleaned some and it wasn't anything more or less then usual, but for some reason i had and still have a big sense of accomplishment from it. everything is in its place, for a little while at least, and it makes me happy to go into the living room and into the kitchen.
eric has two races this weekend. one tomorrow night and one on sunday. both are close by so there should be no issues as long as he answers his phone if needed. the race tomorrow will be fun. seamus has gone twice! once while i was pregnant with her and then last year, too. i don't think we will go this year because it doesn't start until 8pm. maybe we will go to the one on sunday though, unless its raining, or unless i am having a baby.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

i'm not the only one

so i went to the drs and saw the nice dr. she isn't my normal dr, who is very nice as well, but the dr that i saw last wednesday. my appointment was already with her since my dr wasn't available today. anyway, i told her about how i didn't like the stupid dr and she appologized and said she felt bad that i had such a bad experience. the stupid dr was an intern, apparently a very new intern who had just started this summer. i would think that by now she would know how to find a cervix, but maybe that is asking too much. the nice doctor hadn't ever met her until that night either, so she really didn't have too much to say other then to applogize and to tell me that i can always turn down treatment from the intern. thats what we did when seamus was born. the intern wanted to deliver her and i said no. they have to learn somehow but not on me. anyway, the nice dr said i was dialated to about 3cm so that is good but no progress in the effacement part of things. thats ok because i was feeling much better after leaving there today.
so i went to my car which i had parked in the parking garage only to find that i was totally squished in!! i had made sure to leave myself a lot of room on the driver side and the person who parked next to me parked over the line and into my space! i couldn't fit!! so i tried the passenger side and there was no way. so i went to starbucks then hung out and then called security. the guy came and told me he couldn't move my car for me for liability reasons but we went to go look. by then the car on the passenger side had left and a minivan had taken its place. the minivan was nice and left me just enough space to get the giant belly in the car, but then i had to hope over into the drivers side. its all kind of funny.
when i got home we went for a walk since it is so nice out. seamus is sleeping and i am doing some work. eric has cyclocross tonight, maybe i mentioned that, but he said if the baby comes tonight itg has to wait until after rush hour so he can make sure to get to the hospital in time.
my day is going much better!

another wednesday....

so, yes, it is yet another wednesday and I am still pregnant. STILL.
Gory details to follow, so be warned! Last Wednesday i thought i was leaking fluid and the baby that is normally very active just seemed to not be active at all. I was in the car for 2 hours after work and it moves once i think. Yeah, that just wasn't right. So i called the doctor and they had me go into labor and delivery triage. when the nurse checked she said there was fluid leakage. but then some stupid doctor came in. it wasn't the doctor i was suposed to see and it wasn't a doctor from my doctors practice. it was just a stupid doctor who when she checked couldn't find anything. that is fine, that is not why she is a stupid doctor. she then went on to check to see if i was dilated at all only to not be able to find my cervix. WHAT?? its not that difficult. Its just right in there. She had to have one of the nurses come in and check. See, that is why she is a stupid doctor. After that I heard her making comments outside my room to the nurses implying that i was lying about the fluid and any contractions i had. finally the doctor i was suposed to see showed up and did an ultrasound to check to make sure the amniotic fluid was at a good level. the stupid doctor had no idea how to use the ultrasound machine so the nice doctor had to show her. the fluid was border line low, so i was told to go get another ultrasound on friday. anyway, i went home still pregnant and totally pissed off. At my appointment today i am going to tell the nice doctor how much i hate the stupid doctor and how there better not be any chance in hell that the stupid doctor delivers the baby when it decides to get here.

so i went to get the ultrasound on friday. that was a whole other story that i may tell about after my appointment today, but the fluid was fine so i went back to work. still pregnant.

the weekend went really well, i felt better then i have in a long time. eric had a cyclocross race on sunday and seamus and i went to watch. everytime someone would ride by seamus would say "wheee!" It was very cute. after the race seamus and i ran around. i didn't think we ran around too much but by the time i got home i was pooped. i had no idea.
ok, so i have my drs appointment in an hour - hopefully they tell me something good.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

geez, this week is so long

so, yesterday i had a drs appointment. but when i got there the doctor was off delivering other people's babies. the nerve!! so i had to come back later in the day. instead of going into the office i went back home and did some work there. eric and seamus had gone for a bike ride so i was home by myself. they have been going on bike rides a bit lately. the other day they went around the south end of lake washington. quite a distance, let me tell you. but seamus is an old pro - she had done the Tour de Cure with eric in may i think it was. 50 miles! What a trooper!
anyway, when i went to the doctors i had my check up. here are the gorry details - i didn't gain any weight since last weeek, baby is still head down, apparently i am dialted 2.5 to 3 cm already. That means i could get my epidural - RIGHT NOW, well, as long as I am at 3. Ok, not really since I'm not in labor but you only need to be at 3 to get it. 70% effaced. so things could happen here pretty soon, or it could be another 3 weeks. i am over 38 weeks so i am hoping for it to be soon.
tonight would work. i would be ok with tonight. although i would like to watch the season premier of america's next top model. the best show ever.
so, seamus is the cutest baby ever and she is very smart. we put her in pajamas at night time and she is wearing them when we put her to bed for the most part. but usually she takes them off before she goes to sleep. last night when i checked on her she was just in a diaper and a diaper that was very wet. so i changed her otherwise it may have leaked during the night or in the morning and that would ahve been sad to have a wet baby in the morning. apparently i didn't do a very good job because this moring eric emailed me and said that when he opened her bedroom door a nekkid baby butt came running out. she didn't pee the bed, but there were two diapers on the floor and a puddle of pee over by where the diapers are kept. we assume she was over there trying to get a diaper for herself and then just couldn't hold it any longer. she is so cute and funny.
eric has cyclocross practice tonight so hopefully she is not too much today. i am sleepy and i hope she will play nicely!

Monday, September 19, 2005

i thought it would happen last night

so, last night while we were watching the world tv premier of lord of the rings the two towers i had some of the worst pain in my side ever. so bad i got off the couch and onto my hands and knees on the floor in hopes that would make it better. it didn't. after a while i just went and layed down because i couldn't take it any more. it did go away and then it came back and then it went away again. then i had a few contractions and then i got up to walk around i had some horrible other kind of pain all in my pelvis. i was not happy last night but i was hoping that it meant maybe baby was getting ready to do something. it was obviously doing something, but i am talking about something on the lines of please don't make me go to work tomorrow type of something. alas, i am at work this morning. 4 entries in the baby pool have been scratched off. there is one for today at 3pm. that could still happen.
i had thought that i could work up until the day the baby is born, but then i decided the other day that i think i might head out on the due date if its not here by then. after last night's pain and lack of sleep fest i am thinking i might try to finish up this week and then head out. i am having a contraction right now though, so maybe i can leave for real earlier this week? but since I have had contractions pretty regularly for the past few months, i just don't know. i would be sad about leaving a little early because that means less time at home with the baby once it gets here, but if i am going to cry every morning on my way into work, is it really worth it?
ok, so welcome to week 38.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

seamus is the cutest baby ever

but first - i forgot to mention that i found out what kind of baby we are having. eric has known since the 20 week appointment but has slipped a few times and then has been weirdly wishy washy when i ask him for confirmation. i told him that i was going to ask when they were turning the baby since they would have an ultrasound there and he said ok. but the ultrasound lady wasn't able to see that part. it was in a shadow. i figured eric slipped her a $20 to keep it a secret a little longer. when i went in on tuesday they did another ultrasound real quick to make sure bebe was still head down and i found out. its a secret though.
now on to seamus being the cutest baby ever. yesterday she apparently helped eric and his buddy build a few bikes. she got very dirty and eric didn't clean her up! i met them out at marymoore park since the first cyclocross practice was going to happen and i couldn't believe how dirty she was. so we went home and after sitting in traffic for an hour trying to get accross the 520 bridge i stuck her in the tub. she had gone through a stage where she was not happy about having her hair washed and would totally freak out and try to get out when we tired to rinse her hair. she seems to be over that and will even try to pour the water over her head herself to help rinse it. that is cuteness number one. also, the last two baths i have given her she is very interested in washing herself. she will take the washcloth from me or take some bubbles off of my hands and rub them on her belly and arms and then will sit and wash her feet, too. its been very fun to watch. i was leaning over the side of the tub and she stood up, took some of the bubbles from my hands and then went on to wash my face with them. she was so gentle and so cute that i could barely stand it. after all the washing was done she took the little shark tub toy that fills with water and squirts and kept squirting herself in the face with it. every time she would laugh and laugh. she is a different baby these days for sure.
after the bath she was super hunger because it was way past dinner time so she had dinner and then she asked to color so we colored for about a 1/2 hour - until she ate one of the crayons. i wasn't able to tell what color it was because she tossed the whole chunk in there but i guess we will find out in a day or so.
she has also learned to say banana and cheerio.
so i lost the office pool as to when the baby is going to get here. i said today at 9am and it is now today at 948am. no baby. i almost cried earlier when i found out that britney spears had her baby yesterday because i want to have mine so badly. when i told eric he reminded me how lame britney spears is and that we should try to distance the birth of our child from the birth of hers. good point.
chris shephard, teammate of seamus mcgrath was just busted for EPO. that is a huge bummer.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

more more more

so, the baby is getting more bigger. on monday we went to the hospital to have the baby turned. i likened it to getting my nose pierced - totally worth it but I will never do it again. it hurt. a lot. and my belly is all still sore. baby was fine with it though. it chilled out for a while, took a nap and then woke up again. then we got to leave. we came home and i felt great. i felt like i remembered being pregnant - where i could move around and almost as though i wasn't pregnant at all. ok, right, whatever. so i took a nap and when i woke up i swore that baby turned itself back. all of a sudden it was hard to sit up, i had to sit semi reclining and all the other stuff that i had to do before they turned it. i had an appointment on tuesday and they checked and said baby was still head down, so that is good at least! I apparently have no idea what my child is up to. i am glad it is still head down otherwise they would try to turn it again and i am not so into that.
i went through all of our baby clothes last night. sheesh! we have a lot of stuff. eric mentioned that now since i went through all of it we can give some away and i said no way!! i want to keep it all! there is such cute stuff that i don't know what i am going to do but it isn't going anywhere other then on new baby any time soon.
i have also been watching videos of baby seamus when she was very small. seamus is very interested in these videos as well and will sit and watch very intently. it is hard to beleive that the baby in the video is now so big and able to do so much!
anyway, i am going to go have some spicey something for lunch to get this bebe moving!

Friday, September 09, 2005


one other thing i forgot to mention - seamus now asks for hugs! she will put her arms out and say hug. its so cute. there isn't anything better then a hug from a baby!

baby gittin bigger

so its friday morning. i had a dotors appointment on wednesday in which i was convinced he was going to tell me that i was going to have the bebe that day. but, alas, that was not the case. the baby is still breech so we are going to have a version where they try and turn the baby on monday. i am prepping for today today to be my last day at work, but knowing how much this baby loves to be inside kicking and stretching and making everything uncomfortable, i will likely be back at work on tuesday and will remain at work for another few weeks. i sure hope not though. i am done. everyone get a fork.
other then that....
baby seamus has been cute and huggy lately. the other day i was so amazed by her because she told me she wanted to color! not in so many words of course, but she was able to communicate it to me in her own way. she is very good at coloring. her new words include elephant and cute.
did i mention the new counter top in the kitchen? it is so great! it makes the kitchen look bigger somehow. eric is making some very good progress in the basement. he has built all the walls and has started hanging sheet rock on them. its totally starting to take shape!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

its monday, i mean tuesday morning

so its tuesday morning after labor day weekend. oh how i had hoped that the baby would decide to make me labor on labor day.... but no such luck.
eric was so excited to find out that i am only a few pounds lighter then he is. last pregnancy there was a semi bet that i would wind up out weighing him, but i never did. this time it might happen although he claims he won't try to lose any weight, on purpose at least, just to make it happen. i have packed them on this time, that is for sure. oh well. the other day i tried on some of my pre-pregnancy jeans just to make sure my legs were still within reason and i was happy to see that although my hips and arse are 20 times their oringial circumfrance, the jeans were able to at least able to be pulled up all the way. whew!!
the kitchen counter top gets here today which is very exciting. over the weekend eric's dad came for a visit and they hung all the sheet rock for the celeiling, eric wired all of the lights, built the walk in closet wall and put in a laundry shoot. all very fun stuff.
will the baby come today? i go to the doctors tomorrow and he better tell me that the baby is on its ways or i might break down and cry to him again.
baby seamus was super cute all weekend, as always. we took her to get her 18 month photos even though she is really 19 months. she cried at first and didn't want to be put down at the photo place but after a little bit she totally got into it. she is a cutie, i can't wait for the photos to come back!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

i am soooo huge!!

This is a photo of me the week before the baby seamus was born.

i mentioned that i was huger then ever, with 3.5 more weeks to go! see how huge i am? how can i ever get more huge then this? see! now, do you beleive me????

since i am once again part of the cool set...

i thought i would enter some photos of the baby seamus sporting her dad's cycling jersey. these photos are actually a little old, from the beginning of july. she is very big these days. 95th percentile for her height, 90th for her weight and 100th for her head. that means that her head is bigger then 100% of all other babies her age. she is also a super model and i will live vicariously through her. so, i am pregnant right now. 35.5 weeks about. every day i hope that this will be the day that it will come out. this has been a long standing hope since i have been on the uncomfortably huge side for quite a while and only get huger by the second.
i really don't have it that bad, i just don't like it. it could be worse. a lot worse so i am thankful for that.

whoa! I have a blog, too

i just found out that i set up a blog almost a year ago. well, i guess it is a year ago since today is september 1 and apparently i have been blogging since september 2004. coolio. i am at work.